Will a doctor write me a prescription?!

Question: Will a doctor write me a prescription.?
I am new to the area im living and recently got health insurance from my job. Lately, due to the move, and other person problems, I have been having severe panic attacks. Ive had anxiety for a number of years and I am now looking into a solution. I have a friend who was once on Xanax for the same problem. She said when she was on it she was in more control of her thoughts and emotions.

I want to see a doctor, but if they wont write me a prescription, i dont want to waste my time. I need something to calm my nerves and keep me on track.

I rarely go to the doctor for ANY illness, let alone a mental one! Im not even sure which kind of doctor to go to. Should I see a regular physician or should I go to a psychiatrist.? My mother in law goes to an Urgent Care to get her prescriptions, but like I said before, I dont want to waste my time. Im not looking to "talk" out my problems. I need a solution.

Where should I go.? Will they write a prescription.? How much will this cost.?Health Question & Answer

You should start with your personal physician (also known as your Primary Care Provider). Tell him your symptoms and he will likely prescribe you either something Xanax or, more likely, a mild antidepressant like Zoloft (unless something in your medical history causes him to think this would be a bad idea). Xanax can be addictive and it's really just a temporary fix, which is why your doctor is more likely to prescribe something like Zoloft. If your symptoms persist and/or worsen you should tell your doctor at which time he may recommend you see a Psychiatrist or Psychologist. Keep in mind that antidepressants (and you don't have to be "depressed" to benefit from an antidepressant) take time to work effectively. You need to take it every day and you need to be patient. As for the cost...that depends on your health plan. You'll have to pay the copay for the doctor visit (usually $15, $20 or $25) and you'll have to pay the copay for the medication (generally the same range). In the meantime, make sure you get enough sleep, limit your caffeine and try to do things to help you relax. I've heard great things about Yoga and meditation. Even just going for a walk every night can really help a lot. Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

I would imagine you would be likely to receive a prescription for diazepam or one of the shorter acting, milder benzodiazepines first. Alprazolam (xanax) is a very strong drug.

I think you need to be wary of the reasons you want benzodiazepines though, all benzodiazepines are very, very addictive and can be fatal if one attempts to stop taking them after a significant amount of time.

If you go in with the idea that drugs are a solution to your problems, it seems that you're going to be setting yourself up for failure - especially when dealing with addictive drugs like benzodiazepines. Drugs can help you deal with problems in the short term, and alleviate the affects of anxiety and panic attacks and the like, but relying on them as a total solution is sure-fire way to end up addicted. Health Question & Answer

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