Deoderant vs antipersperant?!

Question: Deoderant vs antipersperant.?
can some one give me the pros and cons of both deoderant and antipersperantHealth Question & Answer

Learning About Deodorant
Step1Deodorant is used to mask odor or eliminate the bacteria that causes odor. It does not in any way combat sweat, but instead works to eliminate the odiferous side effects of sweat.

Step2Deodorant can be used on many areas of the body, not just underarms. Although underarm deodorant is the most widely used anti-odor product, deodorant is also useful on any area of the body that can produce an unwanted smell.

Step3Deodorant is available as a mineral, a gel, a powder, a cream and a spray. While powder deodorant may work best on your feet, a cream or spray may work best under your arms.

Learning About Antiperspirant
Step1Antiperspirants are considered a subset of deodorants, but this is a misunderstanding of the products. While deodorants retard smell, antiperspirants retard sweat.

Step2A main component of antiperspirants is an aluminum-based compound which effectively helps diminish the production of sweat.

Step3An antiperspirant enters your body through a sweat duct and forms a temporary plug to disallow the release of sweat. Think of it like a cork blocking the opening on a wine bottle.

Step4Like deodorant, antiperspirant comes in a variety of materials, including gel, powder, cream and spray forms.

Step5Unlike deodorant, antiperspirant is used mainly on the underarm areas of the body, and far less commonly on other body parts

Most people think that antiperspirants and deodorants are the same thing, but they aren

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