Why need a pediatric cardiologist present at a lvl 2 u/s?!

Question: Why need a pediatric cardiologist present at a lvl 2 u/s.?
I am needing to have another lvl 2 ultrasound because my baby showed a thickened nuchal edema, which is a marker for down syndrome. Normal is 5.0mm or less, and my babys was 6.23. The dr's said my quad test came back negative for down syndrome, but was positive for spina bifida( they said everything looked fine when it came to the spina bifida concern). I went in to have an u/s for the spinal bifida and found out i have about a 1% chance of having a baby with down syndrome. The dr wanted to look again in about 6 weeks, and told me that they didn't see anything wrong, and that they probably wound't find anything next time, but they wanted a cardiologist there.

So my question is, what does having a pediatric cardiologist have to do with this.? What could a cardiologist tell about down syndrome.?Health Question & Answer

A pediatric cardiologist is there to look at your babys heart to determine if all of the valves are opening and closing as they should. Sometimes with down syndrome babies one the of valves dosen't always open and close as it shoud, this is sometime called "re-gurge".
The only way to tell if your baby really has downs is to do an amniocentesis, or wait for birth. I think it is great that your provider is bringing in the cardiologist to look at the ultrasound, that way if a problem does exist, they will be able to prepare for it. First and foremost, don't panic. I wish you peace and a healthy child.Health Question & Answer

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