After all of this, why can't I stop using drugs?!

Question: After all of this, why can't I stop using drugs.?
My 24th birthday is in 4 days, meaning I've been an addict for 7 years. My adopted sister had her son eight days ago, and they want me to be the godfather, except they're worried about my drug use around my nephew. Her husband, my best friend, broke down crying to me because he was so worried for my life. It's scary, because he is a hard *** and is not known to cry at all. My twin brother has distanced himself from me. He is so disappointed that I have heard him denying that we're related. Another good friend of mine is a former alcoholic, so he understands. He is trying to help, but I'm just a little jerk and won't stop. All of them are trying to help me.

I have been using meth, coke, heroin, and pot. So far, I've only been able to get off weed.

I have been to rehab countless times and have overdosed twice. I really want to stop, but it's like I'm sharing my body with someone else who refuses to cooperate and stop using. I've become very depressed about it.

Am I beyond getting assistance to kick my habits.? Is it all up to me, even though my addictions have become so strong that I can't break them.? If you could give mr any advice or suggestions, that would be great. Thanks for your time.Health Question & Answer

look, you need to understand that you have the opportunity to live. some people dont get to live as long as you have so far. I have lost 2 children and I can say that you are lucky to have your life so stop ruining it. Your slowly killing yourself.

These drugs will stop you from having the things that most people want. A healthy and loving relationship with your family, getting married, having children, gettin a good job to support that family...

It is never too late to quit. If you know in your heart that you really want to stop, then you will. Try to do something else. Get a hobby. Pick up a guitar or maybe write some stuff down on some paper... A song, poem, thoughts, goals.... whatever....

Good Luck and I hope a helped in some small wayHealth Question & Answer

good luck to you ..

just keep going to rehab and give it some timeHealth Question & Answer

Although I myself am not an addict, my mother was a heroin addict for 20 years. She had the tendency to clean up for a few years and relapse as soon as things got either good or bad. In the end, the damage she did to her liver killed her, last week actually, so I know the dangers of drug use, and I know my predisposition to it.

One thing I've learned through the years is that nobody is beyond helping themselves. I promise you it's possible.

My suggestion to you is to buy this book: "Broken" by William Cope Moyers.

It's a true story/ memoir about a man who comes from a very high up family and grows up to be addicted to crack cocaine. Hopefully it will help you in your struggles. Like you, he says that he shared his body with something, deep in his soul that he could never escape. In the end his recovery has lasted 15 years so far, so maybe you can pick up some insight on how he did it.

Good luck. You have my best wishes. Health Question & Answer

Dude, your going to fight this all of your life, i have a brother whos been where you've been, he fights his addiction everyday, and finds ways to cope.Eventually your just going to have to find something more important to you than the drugs. It's all you man, just take it a day at a time, and no matter how many times you get knocked down remember you just gotta keep getting back up, roll with the puches. Your going to fail, you just have to keep trying again till you get it right. And if not for yourself then for your family.Health Question & Answer

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