Why is it that everytime I sleep, It feels like 1 second of nothing and then I wake up?!

Question: Why is it that everytime I sleep, It feels like 1 second of nothing and then I wake up.?
This happen all the time. Everytime Im sleeping all it feels like is 1 second of nothing then I wake up, even though several hours went by.? When I was in a deep coma several days went by and all it felt like was nothing for 1 second or less and then I woke up.? Why does this happen.? Is this normal.? Unless Im dreaming and most dreams I cant remember a thing about it!

What happens and what could you feel when your DEAD.? Is it just forever and ever of nothingness.? Does your brain work or could you dream of anything when your actually dead.?.? What causes dream to happen.? Is that part of your brain going through thoughts and giving pictures and imaginations.?

Please explain all of this for me and give me enough info.?

thanks Health Question & Answer

If i am not mistaken dream dont start right away went you go sleep. Until you start dreaming your brain is doing nothing. And if you dont remember a dream of couse it would feel like you went 1 second, you were unconscious so you will not remember anything.

And if you die everything in you including your brain die so you will not fell anything, or dream anything, or do anything. You are just DEAD.Health Question & Answer

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