Friends - smoking && drama.?!

Question: Friends - smoking && drama..?
Okay so i just found out a couple of my friends started smoking.. it really bothers me. Badly, because we're all way under the age. We're only 12 some 11. My mom says I shouldn't tell anyone. But I really want them to stop and it just makes them look stupid, I was thinking of asking one of my school counselors. But she said it would only make drama. I really care about them.. and one of them is my ex boyfriend. Should I ask for help.? Or just leave it to themselves.? Please help.Health Question & Answer

Here's the truth, if you tell someone, your friends will be angry with you for that and they won't understand that it was out of concern for their health. Yes, that looks RETARDED, I know because I started smoking when I was twelve and now I am twenty two and I STILL smoke and I don't think I will ever quit because I am very addicted. I can't run one block without feeling like I am going to die, they don't calm me down anymore when I am stressed out and all I know is that if I don't smoke them at this point, I go a little crazy, I get depressed, anxious and angry with people for literally NO reason at all. I look older than I am unfortunately, and I am a woman, by the way, so I was five feet one inch tall when I started smoking at twelve, guess how tall I am now.? I am five foot three, I had 32a cup breasts when I started smoking, and that is still what size they are, I really believe it stunted my growth as well. So you can tell your girl friends that and that may make them think twice because they are too young to care about getting emphesyma in twenty years. SO, if you value your friendship and don't want them to hate you, unfortunately, you might not want to tell anyone, but if you think they will later understand your concern, then tell their parents, go for it. It is very nice of you to care about their health so much. You are a good friend.Health Question & Answer

well everyone will think they'll look stupid and they'll eventually stop (if they don't become addicted). you can't stop your friends doing that, itsjust something they'll have to grow out of.

most people start smoking around that age, its very wierd not to.Health Question & Answer

Leave them, Make sure they know how you feel about it though, let them know that you think its disgusting and what there doing to themselves. Health Question & Answer

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