Do you think I have adult ADD?!

Question: Do you think I have adult ADD.?
I am 25 years old now and cannot seem to get my life together. Throughout my school years teachers always told me I have a lot of potential, I just couldn't pay attention in class. Even if I tried, my mind would eventually drift onto something else, socializing, drawing and day dreaming. I had frequent behaviour problems in school and my parents had frequent meetings with my teachers to discuss my progress for the week and how i behaved. I feel I have a high level of intelligence and a lot of untapped creativity.

Today, I am still living with my parents and can't seem to hold a job. It's not that I get fired, I just easily grow tired/bored of my job. I start out with a lot of motivation to work hard and do well, but after a month or two into it.. I'll quit. I haven't gone anywhere in life since graduating from high school. I used to go to church, but stopped going because it was becomming too hard to sit through a service. The only way I could sit through a service would be if I brought along paper and a pen, so i could draw or write notes to who ever was sitting next to me. Most people have given up on me. Everyone think i'm a lazy deadbeat, and I do too. I want to do well in life and feel as though I have the potential too, but for whatever reason I cannot get my act together. My credit is beyond horrible, because I caanot control my spending habits. All this stuff has made me anti-social and depressed.

If i could get any answers/suggestions please let me know. I can't live like this anymore.Health Question & Answer

I have ADD myself and your symptoms sound like you have a high possibility of having ADD. I would go to your family doctor and talk about your symptoms and go from there. There are also many ADD tests online, but they are not a real diagnosis. I'm living with ADD and I consider myself to be successful. All is not lost. Health Question & Answer

Get on your shoes and make things happen! Have a goal! List down the things you have to do in a week and accomplish them. Start with small things, be focus and dedicated to it. Don't just stare blankly on your dreams and imagine it, make it happen...maybe find your inspiration or motivation first...go go you can work it out! =) Health Question & Answer

You need to get a proper diagnosis. Ask your GP for a referral. I have copied a link below where you can take a test for the symptoms, but if you notice a strong presence of more than 20 of these symptoms, there is a strong likelihood of ADD.Health Question & Answer

I can see exactly what your and I should be friends we can constantly change the subject on each other! LOLHealth Question & Answer

I'm sorry your life has turned out that way, and I hope everything will pull together soon. *hugs*

I'm not an expert per se, but if you feel like something might be wrong (and looking at it, it has grown steadily worse over the years which might be an indicator), it doesn't hurt to go try get yourself tested. Try to go to your family doctor and describe your symptoms, and see if he can refer you to a specialist for an assessment (or go straight to the specialist themselves; I'm not sure how clinics work outside my country.) You'll be surprised at the number of adults who find out they have ADD.

Hope I was of help, and all the best! :)Health Question & Answer

yes you do have add and so do I . I am 44 years old and have suffered with add all my life and it is not fun. you will need to tell the doctor about your symptoms their is help . they put me on adderal and my life has changed drastically an yours can to. you may also have other ocd which means you are compulsive that is why you are in dept . remember though you can get out of this mess you need to ask to a doctor right away and if he or she won't listen then go to another oneHealth Question & Answer

I'm no clinician, but you really sound depressed.

Regardless of whether or not the ADD is present, you should see a therapist and/or get on an anti-depressant.

Speaking of therapists, have you seen one.? You only mention your negative experiences with school and church. Only a licensed professional can diagnose ADHD/ADD.

On the anti-depressant tip, ironically, it is known that ADD and depression usually coexist. There are anti-depressant drugs marketed to people with ADD, Straterra for example. I took that for about 18 months but got very tired of dealing with its side affects (awful and constant heartburn, sexual impairment), but you have to try it to see how it will affect you.

I never graduated high-school, only made it through about 50 hours of college, yet 20 years later I am a successful network engineer. It can be VERY frustrating living life feeling like you're dragging a heavy weight, but here's my best advice:

Don't give up. Find and follow your bliss. That thing you do which makes you happy will carry you through.

ADD can be a blessing and a curse. Like much else in life, the outcome depends mostly on how you approach it. It sounds as if you're well aware of the curse part, but are you aware that it comes with benefits.?
Hyper-focus. Do you have the ability to sit down (usually with something you enjoy) and 'lose yourself'.? Time slips away, environmental distractions dissipate, and it's just you and the task.
This is what I attribute my personal success to, but I had to find that one thing that I do well AND enjoy, and I was around your age when I found it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.Health Question & Answer

I have ADD and i'm somewhat lazy. I own my own small business that is all but a lazy kind of job though. I'm a mobile dog groomer. I know for sure that my ADD has made me lazy in school studies for sure. I cant stand to do any of it. Study, write, read. It's any wonder that i answer questions on yahoo. I have come to find out that the things i like to do or the things im most interested in is much easier for me to pay attention to than the things that i find boring. If it's boring then i just can't pay attention. For me, i love animals and everything that has to do with them so i don't find it boring. Just really try hard to find something you love doing and go for it. Don't settle because you'll just end up quiting. As for the spending, bad credit and so forth, THAT, has nothing to do with ADD. You need to learn to be considerate and responsible. That's a whole other problem you have. Oh and the reason you can't pay attention in church is because it's something you don't have any interest in. I bet when your doing something you love, your all ears and eyes, Right.? Just know i have that problem too when I'm in church but because i love the Lord and church it self so much i still go and make the best of it. Health Question & Answer

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