Okay so what would happen if my freind..?!

Question: Okay so what would happen if my freind...?
my friend said she was going to take like 10 motrin at once before school 7o clock... wats gonna happen and how long will it take for the sideffects.?Health Question & Answer

I'm not sure what would happen, but I suggest you inform an adult immediately! Your friend obsviously has issues if he's/she's considering ingesting that many pills, especially before school.
If you don't inform someone, and something happens to your friend, you could be held accountable for neglect on your part.Health Question & Answer

Why would your friend want to do something so stupid.? Is she suicidal.? Taking all that medication at once is not a smart thing to do. She could end up overdosing, having convulsions, having to get her stomach pumped or even worse go into a coma. I suggest you tell her parents right away. She needs help and your her friend, so help her.Health Question & Answer

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