Yupp, I got strep throat .?!

Question: Yupp, I got strep throat ..?
So, My brother got it ..
And practically GAVE it to me .
it's like my second time having it,
so yeah .

The day before yesterday, [Thursday]
I was feeling fine, but right before I went to bed, my throat got a bit sore ..
so the next morning, it was hurting alot. so I went to the doctor, and he said it was pretty bad, like it was really red for only like, a day, not even, like 15 hours .. .?
so anyways , Heres my question .. well I got a couple x]

What kinda food should I eat .? I've read on a bunch of different websites and that, about eating with a strep throat, and some said cold, to numb the pain, or something, then warm.
I think warm would be better, but I'm not quite sure.
but what kind of warm or cold foods should I eat.?

when I got the strep throat, i've been experiencing pains in my stomach, it's like cramps, but it only hurts when I move, even just a bit. Would that be related to my Strep Throat.?

:| Thanks, guys (:
Health Question & Answer

stomach pains can happen during strep alot
eat whatever you feel you can hot or cold doesnt matter as long as its easy to swallow and you want to east it eat what you think you can Health Question & Answer

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