Is it bad to take multiple kinds of vitamins?!

Question: Is it bad to take multiple kinds of vitamins.?
Is it bad to take a multivitamin, a b-complex vitamin, and vitamin c all together.? I know it is bad if you take a bunch of one kind of vitamin, but would this be ok.?Health Question & Answer

It depends on how you define bad. B-complex vitamins prominently aid in digestion, by doing so, it also plays a role in brain function (quote one quote "more energy"). Vitamins C complex specifically is an anti-oxidant, which aids in "containing" free radicals, by doing so illness is less likely to occur from these free radicals. A multivitamin generally, depending on brand, contains vitamin C, not the complex, and a few vitamin B, again not the complex. Regardless of brand, whether it is a multivitamin or a vitamin complex, all of these substances are synthetic, in which they serve as a coenzyme. Coenzyme are not the vitamin complex. For example, Vitamin C is a complex, the vitamin C tablets available for purchase do not provide the entire complex, rather, it provides one or a few of the benefits of Vitamin C. What does all of this mean.? It means when you take in a vitamin tablet which generally lacks the complete form of the vitamin taken in, in this case, vitamin C, your body needs to fill in the missing pieces, sort to speak. Where does it get these missing pieces from.? It gets them from your body. In essence, your body can become deficient if the vitamin counterparts present in your body are used at a rate faster than intake. Sorry for the long explanation, but this response is actually limited in details. Please do more research on your own. Hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

yes it is bad to mix and match a lot of them together. I did that once and found out that I was allergic to one type of a vitamin tablet. A rash developed on my back. The doctor advised that the best form of vitamin intake was through fresh fruits and veggies. If you wanna go in for tablets stick to the ones which are made up of natural stuff like fish oil / cod liver oil / spirulina/ sea weed etc.Health Question & Answer

regardless, you're just going to excrete it all out, so just eat your vegetables and fruits...Health Question & Answer

yes it's , "BAD"Health Question & Answer

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