I have a friend who is suicidal....?!

Question: I have a friend who is suicidal.....?
She is always raiding our medicine cabinet and cleaning stuff cabinet, she always suggests we buy drain-o. i get the feeling it's only for attention but in case its not what are some medications and cleaning supplies that i should keep her away from.?Health Question & Answer

I don't know that she's suicidal, but it's certainly not a good sign. Because she keeps asking you buy Drain-o, it sounds like she knows what you're thinking and is indeed either looking for attention, or to try and provoke you into saying something. Either way, you should keep an eye on her.

Any medication is dangerous if taken in large quantities, especially if by someone it isn't prescribed for. And, of course, cleaning materials are hazardous, period. But you shouldn't have to hide all your household items whenever she comes over; this is YOUR house, not hers, and you don't need to cave to her.

The next time she wants to come over, tell her "Only if you bring your own Drain-o so I don't have to listen to you go on and on about it." Say it seriously, and don't laugh even if she does. If she's not completely dense and she's doing this for attention, she'll take the hint that you've noticed her behavior and it's irritating you, not driving you to give her attention. If she persists in her behavior, tell her your family has noticed it looks like people have been going through their things and they think they have a thief, so they've installed hidden cameras. It might frighten her off long enough for you to talk to her family.

Although, I do recommend you talk to her first. Seriously pull her aside and tell her that her behavior has been bothering you and you're thinking about talking to her parents about it. Tell her you're not trying to rat her out, but you've heard too many stories about things like this and you don't want to take the chance. That way, she's not going to feel betrayed because you went to them without telling her, and if it IS just for attention, it gives her the chance to come clean and realise nobody finds it amusing.

If she STILL continues, yes, unfortunately you'll need to talk to her family. Don't get overly dramatic with them or alarm them too much. Just say, "I don't want to upset anybody, but it seems like ____ is always talking about cleaning products and medications. She might just be joking, but it's gotten me worried and I thought you should know, since she seems so interested in our cabinets." She might be angry at you, but I'd rather have an angry friend than a dead friend.Health Question & Answer

do what kramer did on seinfeld and encourage her, go to the top floor of your house open a window and tell her to sit their and try to push her off most likely she will jump up and get pissed off, on her way out of your house lock the door and start swinging at her with the biggest knife you can find then hit her with a lamp and knock her out. Tie her up on a chair in your basement and get some sort of Loud high power drill and get it so its Milimetres from her nose then hit her with a lamp again. Untie her and wait till she wakes up. She will not even bother trying to kill herself she will just probs stay at home and cry. Congrats you saved a lifeHealth Question & Answer

Call a suicide hotline, call her parents and let them know what's going on so that they can get her the care she needs, or call social services and let them know what's going on.
Any chemical or drugs you have should be locked up. Got a gun- disable it. Does she like knives, or fire.? Rope.? The list of what to keep her away from is endless. The fact that she is threatening this means that she is thinking about this- take it seriously and get her some help.Health Question & Answer

don't try to make her avoid dangerous chemicals, tell her parents!Health Question & Answer

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