Why am I always tired and cold?!

Question: Why am I always tired and cold.?
I'm 13 and get 8-10 hours of sleep a night, but am still tired in the day. I am also cold a lot and feel sick often. I am even irritable and depressed a lot. Please help!Health Question & Answer

you could be anemic...those sound alot like my symptoms that i have. i would recommend calling my dr and making an appt and getting some blood work done. good luck!Health Question & Answer

Let's look at individual symptoms and the most likely reasons. Tired during the day after 8 hours rest. It could be that the quality of your sleep does not get you into the most restorative stages of sleep. This can be caused by sleep apnea, alcohol intake during the evening, restless leg syndrome, suboptimal sleeping environment, or depression. A suboptimal environment would include lights on, TV on, noisy location, lack of comfortable night clothing, anemia, exercising or taking a warm bath or shower before bedtime (limit these to at least 2 hours before bedtime because they raise body temperature. To sleep your body needs a slight drop in body temp), No TV or computer within 1 hour before sleep time because the bright light causes the release of two chemicals that help you stay awake during the day (but have the same effect at night). Being cold a lot could be anemia, lack of adequate body fat to keep you warm, inactivity, and depression. Feeling sick a lot could be caused by anemia, depression, or a number of other more chronic problems. Feeling irritable could be caused by depression, anxiety, and feeling sick a lot. Depression can be caused by loss, chronically not feeling well, poor self esteem, stressful environment (at home, work, or school), a chemical imbalance, and overwhelming life circumstances. As you see, depression can cause a lot of symptoms. So what came first, the depression or the other symptoms and life difficulties.? By the way, depression in not a shortcoming in your abilities to cope with life. You may have life circumstances that would make almost anyone depressed. Most cases of chronic depression are caused by a chemical imbalance and will only get better with proper meds to bring the chemicals back into balance.
The things above that would warrant seeing a doctor are sleep apnea (which you may not know you even have...it is brief periods of not breathing while you sleep. Your blood oxygen drops just enough to disturb your sleep. If you snore a lot this is something to consider), anemia (can be detected with a simple blood test), depression for over a month, and possibly restless leg syndrome (can't stop moving your legs at night because of irritating feelings in the legs...this can be treated with a medication). Hope this helps you sort out things a little better.Health Question & Answer

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