If one conjoined twin dies, what happens to the other?!

Question: If one conjoined twin dies, what happens to the other.?
Ok, I understand that conjoined twins are two different entities. If one died, would the other die instantly, live for a period after the death, or live as if the death never happened.? What exactly would happen.? I would guess the latter partly because I can't imagine one person lugging around a dead person, but I would like to know since I realize that they are two separate entities. Thanks in advance. Health Question & Answer

Depends on how they were conjoined. If they were like those two girls with one body and two heads....well, they would probably both die since any kind of defect below the head would kill both heads. If they were conjoined at an arm or something non-essential I'm sure the dead twin would be surgically removed and hope the live one survives the procedure.Health Question & Answer

They're not really two separate entities. They usually share some organs, or, at the very least, blood circulation. If one twin dies, eventually that would kill the other because the blood would become toxic.
Chang and Eng, the original "Siamese twins" were joined only by a band of cartilage--their livers were joined but could function independently. They lived to be 63 years old. Chang died first (in 1874). Eng woke up to find his brother dead. According to some stories, the family called for a doctor to perform an emergency separation, but Eng died before the doctor could get there. Other stories say that Eng chose to die along with his brother. But, the point is, he could not have continued to live while attached to his dead brother. Health Question & Answer

I think it depends on whether or not the twins share major organs. If one twin is dependent on the other's heart or liver for example, then the surviving twin would die too. If they don't share any major organs, the other twin could live though I presume they would need a rush separation. I remember reading about the famous twins--Eng and Chang. They were only joined by a small band of skin. But when one died the other died shortly after---but of a heart attack.Health Question & Answer

yes, if one died, within minutes the other dies too.
cant log around the dead twin plus, the organs they share(mainly the heart) would fail very quickly.Health Question & Answer

They both die most often, but it depends on how they are joined. Health Question & Answer

good questionHealth Question & Answer

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