I cant go to sleep or stay asleep?!

Question: I cant go to sleep or stay asleep.?
and when i do i wake up really early around 4 or 5 in the morning
i go to sleep around 9 or 10 and i wake up around 6
but i cant go to sleep until a round 11 or 12
and i cant stay asleep so im up by 4 or 5 maybe even 3 in the morning
i used to get 9 hours and now i get 5 or 6
and i some times get headaches when i wake up.
whats happening.?Health Question & Answer

You could be suffering from stress/anxiety and the headaches could be tension. Assess your life style and see if there are any changes you could make, if you think you are stressed or depressed then speak to a doctor or councilor you may find talking about things will help lift a weight off your mind. Health Question & Answer

The first thing you need to do is turn your clock away from your bed so you can't see it. Seriously, worrying about the amount of sleep you're getting interferes with your ability to sleep. Once you go to bed, you absolutely should not look at the clock or cellphone until it rings in the morning. Force yourself to do this.
Next, you need to make sure your room is dark enough. Ambient light from other rooms, computers, TVs, night lights, etc... can interfere with sleep. Studies in Israel have linked too much light at night with breast cancer. You need to make sure it's dark. If necessary, get a sleep mask.
Silence is also necessary for a good night's sleep. You should not have TVs or any kind of music on. It might make you think that you're being lulled to sleep, but it can keep you from getting the deep sleep you need. If there is a song that you like that suddenly starts playing, your brain will go from a deep state of sleep to a lighter state of sleep, just to pay attention to the song. Unless the music turns itself off automatically, there should be absolutely no music. Ear plugs are useful for dealing with noisy roommates or neighbors. You can get them at the drugstore.
Do not go on chat rooms, blogs, or talk on the phone right before you go to bed. That will put your brain back into high gear. Avoid activities that make you think. Do your homework early enough so you have at least an hour free time before bed.
also, if you wake up, don't let your mind wander to the day's problems, or to your relationships. There is nothing you can do in the middle of the night, and things always seem worse at night. Tell yourself you can't deal with problems right now, that it won't do you any good to think about them, and you will deal with them later. Try visualizing a peaceful place to be...like taking a walk on a moonlit beach .Health Question & Answer

You're probably either
1) stressed about something
2) you drink caffeine before bed.

You also might just be going through a phase. It happens to me a lot. Sometimes you just can't fall/stay asleep, eventually it'll go back to normal.
But definitely don't drink caffeine before bed!Health Question & Answer

you can get much information in this website,If you will check anyone link in website
Health Question & Answer

Are you drinking alot of caffeine lately.?
Do you have high blood pressure.? Which may cause those headaches.?

Are you under alot of stress or having anxiety lately.?

Please see your doctor ok.Health Question & Answer

Try melatonin. My son is on meds that keep him from sleeping and it works great for him. its all natural and you can get it at health food stores. good luckHealth Question & Answer

drink warm milk, caffeine free tea, nyquil, or sex. haha. good luck with your isomnia!Health Question & Answer

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