Do you ever feel like marijuana is a gateway drug?!

Question: Do you ever feel like marijuana is a gateway drug.?
What do you think.?
When you tried marijuana,did you want to try something stronger like LSD or estacy.?How did you think of other drugs.?Health Question & Answer

The gateway drug theory is improvable and is completely ridiculous. It ignores logic and commonsense.

Marijuana is made easily accessible to people of all ages. People who are under 21 can often times have easier access to weed than alcohol. Therefor, it isn't so hard to believe that many people might use marijuana before other drugs, but there is no way to prove that they wouldn't have done harder drugs without the influence of marijuana in their lives.

I have been smoking for quite a few years now and have never desired anything more. It has also made me not desire alcohol as much which is good since alcohol is a much more destructive and dangerous substance.Health Question & Answer

In my opinion marijuana is not a gateway drug. A lot of people who have relatives that are in to heroin, crack etc blame marijuana for starting them down the drug road but in fact you can guarantee that those people were drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco before they tried marijuana, people seem to forget that these are also drugs but because at some point in history someone decided they should be legal then they are considered doesn't change the fact that they are still mind and mood altering drugs.
also due to the fact that marijuana is illegal you are forced to go to a dealer to buy it, most dealers also sell other illegal drugs and so these then become more easily available to you.
I have smoked weed daily for the past 17 years and during my teenage years I did try other things on the odd occasion simply because they were available to me. I think the worst thing is all the negative propaganda, kids are told that all drugs are bad and yet their parents are more than happy to have a few fact binge drinking has become so widespread and common place that it is now accepted, yet it is a huge problem. When kids try cannabis and discover that it doesn't do all the dreadful things they have been told they start to wonder what else they have been lied to about, and I think that is where the real danger lies.Health Question & Answer

No, I don't think it really is.

I do want to do LSD at some point, but I wanted to and had experimented with other psychedelics before marijuana.

I didn't have any desire to do any hard drugs, like coke, heroin, or meth before I smoked pot, and I still don't.

If anything is a gateway drug, it's nicotine or alcohol.Health Question & Answer

I think that a few others have already explained this well, it is the easiest drug to get ahold of and the only reason these people move on to harded things is because they were alrady looking for hard drugs but the first thing they got their hands on was pot. Please ignore the person stating it was and he did not care. There are some educated users out there and then there are others.Health Question & Answer

absolutely not, pot is just the easiest to get ahold of and most natural so that's what people want to try first

peer pressure and personal curiosity lead to experimenting with other drugs- there are plenty of people out there that have never even tried pot but just went straight for the hardcore sh*t like meth and crackHealth Question & Answer

no. i do not think it's a gateway drug.

it gave me no desire to try anything higher.

i think those who try higher already had an inborn interest in trying something higher. Health Question & Answer

It is, but I don't regret using it. Ignore the "weed will kill you or make you retarded" comments by the other users.Health Question & Answer

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