What should i do.....?? PLEASE HELP!!!?!

Question: What should i do......?.? PLEASE HELP!!!.?
i dont want to go see a professional....i couldnt do that...but i need to know what i should do to stop thoughts of suicide...

im depressed alot...mainly because im usually alone...i dont have any friends at my school..and they all hate me..and never talk to me...i have friends but they all go to a different school and i hardly get to see them....

so what should i do to stop being depressed..and to stop thinking about suicide.?.?.? please help!!!

thank you!Health Question & Answer

I know exactly how you feel! All of my friends have left for college and im here alone now. I know it sounds lame but if your thinking about suicide then maybe you should spend some time with your family. Im at my mom's house like 75 percent of my time because i've been so depressed. Just try to stay around people that love and care about you and i swear it helps! And if it doesnt, then you can always email me, if you want. I hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

I get that way sometimes as well. It helps me to stay busy. I don't mean to say that you should ignore your problems, but if you're depressed about things that you cannot fix now, it's better to stop thinking about them.

Start a new hobby, or get back into an old one. Make a plan for the future. What things do you want to do with your life this year.? What things can you do now.?

It might sound stupid or too big a task, but it really does help to set goals and accomplish them so you don't feel like life is passing you by.

Sometimes talking to a friend or loved one helps, but they may not understand what you're going through or even be able to help, but it's great when someone can be a good listener.

Good Luck :o)Health Question & Answer

I used to feel this way when I was in high school. The most important thing is to tell someone you trust (like a parent or a school therapist) about your suicidal ideas and make a promise to them that you will not go through with suicide without calling them first and talking it through with them. I really would recommend finding a therapist to talk to because feeling suicidal is such a scary and lonely thing, that you shouldn't have to go through it alone without help. If you absolutely will not go to talk to a therapist (which, again i would HIGHLY recommend), make sure you find someone to talk to about all this. also, it may help to get some fresh air and exercise. Health Question & Answer

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