I don't see whats so bad about cutting?!

Question: I don't see whats so bad about cutting.?
I cut
and i don't see anything wrong with it

why do people view it as a bad thing.?
Health Question & Answer

There's a stigma involving cutting, because some people attempt suicide through slashing their wrists. The truth is, many people who cut aren't suicidal at all, they're simply trying to release a bit of tension.

There's a science to cutting. Cutting yourself causes your brain to release calming endorphins, which keep you from panicking and lower your blood pressure (both important factors, if one is cut/injured by accident, to reduce the risk of shock and hemorrhaging), and provide a brief relief from stress and anxiety.

But cutting can be addictive, and without the proper precautions, dangerous. Medically there's nothing wrong with cutting, as long as it's done safely and isn't accompanied by suicidal ideations. One should use a clean instrument, not cut deep, and bandage the wound properly (keeping it above heart level until it clots)

But in the long run, one should seek out other means of dealing with stress. Cutting shouldn't be considered a long-term solution.Health Question & Answer

I have had friends that cut themselves some have actually committed suicide. Talking about it i have found that cutting is usually used to redirect the emotional pain into something controllable. I have wondered if it is linked to addictive behavior in a similar way that drugs are. Bad or not the behavior has more negative effects than positive. What does it do for you.? Is it linked to emotional overwhelming things or is it something you enjoy.? I have also had friends that did things like that simply because they liked it and thought they were cool for doing it. I think they wanted people to see a certain aspect in them that they didn't feel that they had already. Instead of cutting how about tattooing.?Health Question & Answer

I think its our instinct of survival that's the reason, to get to the core point.

But that's no matter, doing such a thing is no joke, and if you are joking it isn't funny.
If you aren't joking, then you need to seriously reconsider what you view as good or bad. The smallest decisions we make day to day lead into future decisions and our future selves. Doing anything associated with depression, or, in this case, with self-destruction DIRECTLY as such will be nothing but self-destruction in all terms (psychological, physical).

Just. Don't.

Oh and if you're talking about cutting paper, that's fine, and cutting wood is cool too :]Health Question & Answer


There are TONS of reasons.

1) Leaves scars.
2) Blood loss simply is not good for you. You lose energy.
3) Creates open wounds, which are a good way to get infected with something.
4) Rubbing unsterilized metal in to your exposed flesh is also a good way to get infected with something.
5) It's a dead end street to dealing with depression.

If you're feeling depressed, I suggest seeing a mental health expert. A mental health expect can help you find more healthy ways to deal with problems.Health Question & Answer

ever thought of being a coroner that cuts up dead bodies .?

maybe you haev an inert fascination for the human body although dont do it to yourself its not healthy or very charming either. Its associated with suicidal kids and those missing attention. instead go hang out with friends (that dont cut or promote cutting), play a psp, play a ps2, play a ps3, play some online games, go do martial arts, or just watch videos on tv or internet. there are so many things you are missing when you cut yourself.

you cannot take back wasted time like when you watch a stupid youtube videoHealth Question & Answer

your a freak and obviously you are that mucht of a dud you can't even cut yourself properley do it deeper on the veins you sick ****.s i have no time for you self pain people think of people with cancer who have no choice to die you have a choice wake upto your self Health Question & Answer

Leaves Scars
If done improperly it will kill you
Blood loss
Often leads to other things such as suicide
Trading emotional pain for physical pain doesn't seem like a good trade off.
I personally don't date people I know that cut I can't deal with the guilt of them hurting themselves if I dump them.Health Question & Answer

Because cutting is generally a way to cause physical pain to help alleviate some kind of emotional pain. It may feel like it is helping temporarily but it will not solve the problem that is causing you to want to cut in the first place.Health Question & Answer

cause its f'ed upHealth Question & Answer

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