I'm due to get a coloscopy; what should i expect?!

Question: I'm due to get a coloscopy; what should i expect.?
I am 15 and it is going to be october 13th when they do it. I have to have it done because i have been passing blood and the doctors couldn't feel anything when thay checked. What should i expect or anticipate.? Health Question & Answer

I worked in an Endoscopy unit. This is what we did.

The worst part of the whole procedure is drinking the prep and waiting for it to clean out your bowel. The prep starts a few days before the procedure. you have to stop eating solid food, start eating soft foods, then change to clear liquids and start your prep about a day before the procedure. The goal is to get everything out in time for the colonsocopy.

Day of the procedure;
You'll be greeted by the nurses taking care of you, who will ask you to change into a hospital gown, with nothing on underneath if you were having a colonoscopy. Because you are a minor, your parent/s will be with you to answer questions too. You can ask questions about everything every step along the way. That way, you will know what's going to happen next(although the nurses are pretty good about telling you what's going to happen).
Then you are asked questions to make sure that you are the right person, what your allergies are, and if you did your prep the night before. An IV is started at that point. It will pinch and then after wards, it may tingle or be painful for a bit. If it stays painful, then talk to your nurse.
Once you are in the room, you're hooked up to a monitor that checks your heart rate and blood pressure. The doc will then have the sedation medications started, and once you have enough medication on board to make you nice and drowsy, the procedure will start. You may not remember any of it, you may remember some of it. Most people do not remember much about the procedure. During the procedure, the doc will take pictures to show you after wards so you can see what he saw.
After the procedure, you are taken to a recovery area, monitored for about an hour, and when you are up to it, you can have something to drink and then- crackers!
The usual post procedure advice is to start eating with something light and then start eating real food that evening. However, I've known patients who swore that they were going straight to Burger KingHealth Question & Answer

You will not remeber anything. They give you what's called "twilight anesthesia" which is a pill or injection that will make you forget everything that happened. I have included a link to wikipedia that describes what twilight anesthesia is.
You may be a bit sore after, but they will give you a pain med before the procedure.
I know you're young, so I hope it turns out okay for you. Try to relax in these days before your procedure, don't stress too much. Thank goodness for the web, so we can read about these things :) Health Question & Answer

lots of pressure! You'll be fine, it's just uncomfortable. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, but don't beat yourself up if you do feel embarrassed, it IS quite a private thing. Just remember to breathe easy and think about something else while it's being done. Take headphones if they allow it.Health Question & Answer

My sister had one, they will give you stuff to drink the night before and you will be on the toilet, just keep yourself there, you cant drink anything or eat anything.. Then they sedate you for the procedure, you wake up and go home.Health Question & Answer

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