I'm constantly tired...?!

Question: I'm constantly tired....?
I just started being homeschooled, and I get to sleep in. I get about 11-12 hours of sleep every night, and when I wake up, I'm still tired. And I continue to stay tired throughout the whole day! It's really, really frustrating. I don't have mono, I've recently gone to the doctor, and a few months ago I checked my iron or something and it was fine, of course that might have changed.

Can anyone tell me some causes of being constantly tired like this.?Health Question & Answer

Getting too much sleep (just as too little) can cause one to feel more tired. As well, you may find you are less stimulated at home then you were in public school (where there were different classes, teachers, students, etc). At home, you won't be as stimulated.

It could as well be an iron issue, thyroid, or lack of proper diet or hydration.

Try going for a brisk walk sometime during the day as well as drink 4 glasses of water per day and eat smaller meals throughout the day (5 to 6). As well, aim for 8 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

If after that it still persists, see your doctor.Health Question & Answer

It actually sounds like you are sleeping way to much. In newer studies, the average person should receive about 7 hours of sleep per night. Anything more or less can actually make you more tired and is also a cause of a decrease in energy and can slow down your metabolism. You should try sleeping less.Health Question & Answer

Like what everyone else is saying you are getting too much sleep. But i have a question for you. Maybe there is a slight chance you have and depression. You did say your home school. Do you have something to look forward when you wake up. Cause i was once like that too i hated waking up because i hated i was always tired. so if i could i would keep snoozing in. i would wake up and go back to sleep over a dozen of times.Everyone is different i don't know much about how you are and how you live.Health Question & Answer

Paramedic Girl's response is right on the money. The lack of stimulation from being home schooled could be a huge factor. Follow her advice. Find a routine that keeps you busy all day long. If all else fails, you may have some underlying medical condition which is contributing, but I'm going to bet that a change in your lifestyle habits will bring you improvement.Health Question & Answer

You must investigate the way you are sleeping,
It is possible you have one of the many problems of bad sleeping, like night apmea, if you are fat, and many more.
The best idea is to go to a sleeping laboratory and take a test.Health Question & Answer

i used to sleep a lot when i was a teenager. teenagers live such hectic lives. sleeping is the body's way of recharging. don't worry about it too much you'll grow out of it. i didHealth Question & Answer

You're sleeping too much. Seriously, it can cause it. Limit your sleep to 8 - 9 hours and get some exercise everyday, and it should regulate itself out.Health Question & Answer

you need a blood test u probably have a hormonal unbalance, not to be alarmed it is usually treated adding some food or iron in your diet...Health Question & Answer

Maybe you are getting a little bit too much sleep- I know that when my kids sleep more than 10 hours, they are very groggy all day. Try getting up a little bit earlier.Health Question & Answer

u r getting tomuch sleep. u need to stay on a routine. 6-8 hrs sleep each night i found to be good.Health Question & Answer

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