Lower dosage of anti-depressants ?!

Question: Lower dosage of anti-depressants .?
I was prescribed anti-depressants by my Doctor in late June. But I haven't been finding them at all affective and they were making me feel dizzy and lethargic, They were also affecting my appetite. I went back to my Doctor and he said that I couldn't come straight off the medication because it would have adverse affects on me and that I would have to be weaned off them before starting on another type of anti-depressants.

So I had my dosage lowered from 2 tablets a day to on 1 for a month and then I have to go back to my Doctor again. The problem is I am now feel the symptoms even worse and it has only been one day. I am experiencing aches and pains, I am feeling very tired and weak. also some dizziness and I am also feeling rather out of it.

I was wondering if anyone knew how long these affects are going to last, Thanks for any answers.Health Question & Answer

Hi Hun,

I was on effexor and I feel your pain :)

Effexor is tremendously difficult to get off of. You get all kinds of weird side effects. It's difficult to get off of, but not impossible. You just have to be prepared to outlast the drug. It'll hit you with vertigo, nausea, vivid dreams, weird feelings of disconnect between your vision and your mind, slurred vision sometimes, etc. It's basically like being sick (like with the flu) for a couple weeks. Trust me though, it does eventually get better--and it doesn't take all that long. I think it took me about a month and a half before I felt entirely better. Just thought you might like to know that getting off IS possible, just difficult.

Good Luck to ya Hun!Health Question & Answer

try some thing elseHealth Question & Answer

Well, considering you've only taken them for about 4 months you should be back to "normal" after about a week of being off of them completely.

Effexor is a bit different than your standard SSRI (such as Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, etc) in that it also increases norepinepherine (sp.?).

The half life of Effexor is about 12-16 hours which means it will pretty much 100% eliminate itself from your body every day. Therefore, to avoid withdrawal symptoms you'll probably want to stick with the doctors advice and take a lower dose every day. Feeling like crap is pretty normal, but it will subside and will be even worse if you stop taking them cold-turkey.

Although everyone is different, and some people can quit taking them with no problems, other people have some pretty funky side effects like "brain-zaps" and so forth. Nothing dangerous mind you, but pretty unsettling I'm sure.

If it were me, and this is probably bad advice, I'd try even breaking them in half and weaning myself down off of them as fast as possible and if I have some side effects then take one but otherwise, I'd try to quit sooner than possible.

But I'm generally an idiot and ignore my doctors advice all the time, so take that for what it's worth :)Health Question & Answer

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