What does it mean when you get head aches from chocolate?!

Question: What does it mean when you get head aches from chocolate.?
don't eat chocolate
try relaxation instead:)
http://www.getfittodayuk.com/relax.htmlHealth Question & Answer

There are two possibilities.
It could be increased blood pressure due to the sudden increase of glucose in your bloodstream, as well as the small caffeine content that most chocolate has. The way you can determine this is to record your blood pressure before eating chocolate and after. If there is a substantial increase, you could just be reacting to the sugar-rush.
There is also a small chance that you're experiencing the early symptoms of diabetes...although that would definitely need a Dr.'s assessement.

also, it could be related to a food alergy. If you notice the headache more towards the frontal lobes of your head or behind your eyes, and/or if you notice any hand-swelling, shortness of breath or hives, you may be alergic to chocolate. If you see your Doctor, he/she can recommend a good Alergist who can confirm this.Health Question & Answer

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