What is the closest brush with death that you've lived through?!

Question: What is the closest brush with death that you've lived through.?
Had a small truck broadsided by a school bus.

Fell over 15 feet and landed on metal.

Take your pick. Both were bad and scary but of those 2 worst injury was a sprained ankle. I was between 18 and 20 when both happened.Health Question & Answer

When i was 10 months old, I was in my babysitters car with my sister and her 2 kids. We stopped at the store she was going to and got out. She then came around to my side of the car and opened the door. Once the door was opened, my sister pushed me out of the vehicle. I feel roughly 1 foot and a half and landed on the right side of my head.

I ended up with a skull fracture and lost hearing out of my right ear. While in the hospital recovering, i got a staff infection along with meningitis. That was 20 years ago. I am now fully healthy, still with a lack of hearing in my right ear. Think that is pretty much the closest i have come to death.

Yes i was in a car seat, no it wasn't buckled up, and no i do not blame my sister and still love her very much.Health Question & Answer

ugh, i've had 2

one was a near drowning in a wave pool at a water park, and I'm a really good swimmer, like swimteam swimmer, lol. I was about 12 yrs old. I really thought I was going to die.

the other was when i was 18 and was driving 100 mph on a 2 lane road in the country in the dark, and I lost control and spun out. thankfully i didn't flip over. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I'm still scared to drive on that road. Health Question & Answer

Hmm i'm 17 and i've never had a bone broken or anything i did hit my head few hard times and i feel few times to black out and i ran into a three on my bike (i was stupid going down hill like 20miles/hr but i was ok lol) but not hard to kill you, i guess i always been lucky...Health Question & Answer

when i was born i had my imbelicle cord wrapped around my throat also i was a SIDS baby and stopped breathing when i fell to sleep also i used to have seizures:(Health Question & Answer

My late teens until my early twenties.Health Question & Answer

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