When a patient dies on your shift?!

Question: When a patient dies on your shift.?
I'm about to start my new job in as a HCA (this is a new career for me never worked in health care before). In my training we cover handling of the dead. So I am assuming I will come in contact with a deceased patient sometime.
I was just wondering what was it like the first time you dealt with a dead patient.? Were you emotional, freaked out a bit or just got on with it.? also did you open the window to let the spirit out.?

This would help me alot, really don't know how I would react.
Health Question & Answer

Everyone reacts and deals with death differently. To be honest, it didn't freak me out at all the first time I saw a patient die.. The elderly lady was 90 something, she was very ill and basically suffering, it all seemed very natural and to be honest a relief, as then her suffering was no more.. it's easier to justify losing an elderly person as it seems more natural.
However, a patient last week, was the same age as me 22 (she had various cardiac problems) and was in CCU, we became really friendly, I know one should not get too close to their patients but we shared so many interests (horses etc). She had a cardiac arrest and died. I felt a lot of emotions, anger was one, that why one so young should be taken, it seems so unfair, why should she be robbed of a life, she'll never experience having children or get married etc. You won't always find answers or indeed reasons to why, you just have to accept that you all did your best. Death is a part of life though. It happens, we can't change it. In medicine, you see the best in people and the worst. Although seeing death is sad, you also get to help a lot of people get better. Everyone deals with death differently, if you do see something on the wards that upsets you, there are people you can talk to regarding it. Witnessing death, also reminds us all of our own mortality.

Many people think, as Drs and Nurses we should be 'hardened' to death and not feel; but that is very wrong, we are still human beings and those feelings and emotions are what makes us human, you have a right to feel angry, upset etc. No Nurse or Dr should become to blase' regarding death.Health Question & Answer

ive been a nurse all my life and been with many people who die , you must be a strong and loving person to do this work suffering is hard but must give these people strength and protection,when people die the suffering is finished you feel the Presence of God and the end of suffering you don't have time to think of windows when they have gone to God. good luck.Health Question & Answer

I was an orderly and had a call to transport a patient to the morgue. The call was from the ICU. We could not open the window.

It was an emotional moment but I put my job first and dealt with it afterwards with staff and friends.

THealth Question & Answer

I have not been in such situation but I think the best thing you can do is just go on with it. Imagine that you are a scientist who does not believe in such things as spirit.Health Question & Answer

I've never experienced it but my sister did and she was surprised because they can seem like nothing's wrong or they seem out of there. Health Question & Answer

it very much depends on the circumstances, isn't it .?Health Question & Answer

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