How do I get off of caffeine without headaches?!

Question: How do I get off of caffeine without headaches.?
I drink 2-3 8 oz. cups of coffee every morning and then approximately another 2-3 cans of soda. Being that I have a Cavernous Angioma of the right temporal lobe, I have to be careful about anything that might make it bleed more. So, I have decided to stop drinking caffeine, but everyday that I try, I get the WORST headaches EVER! How does one go about doing this without getting killer headaches. I mean, even slowly cutting down gives me headaches. I really need to do this for my own good. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. :)Health Question & Answer

You taper off gradually instead of all at once. Try cutting out half a drink for a few week, then a full one for a week and so on. It will take longer but you're less likely to have side effects. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

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