Why do I always got to pee when I don`t drink that much?!

Question: Why do I always got to pee when I don`t drink that much.?
I always only pee like 2 times a day cuz that's all I ever have to go but the last few days I have been going more and I don`t drink that much and it is a bit harder to hold in, not much but a little. I know there is nothing wrong with my bladder cuz its not that bad really, I just wanted to see what you think. Its really bad if I`m in class and I know the teacher will not let me not and I know I got to hold it for like an hour. Any tips.?Health Question & Answer

Is your period coming.? I know when my period is about to come I pee gallons... or it could be a UTI.Health Question & Answer

Ha - I just know it - prostrate check is indicated.

I do not know if you are a man or a woman. Rebekkah does not necessarily mean you are a woman LOL. It is only a screen handle.

Prostrate problems occur in men over 40 or 50. If left untreated, symptom of cancer is indicated.

In women, it is usually a urinary tract problem - could be early sign of something extraordinary.

Golden rule - Anything out of the ordinary needs to be examined closely. Your body is telling you something. You better pay attention to it.

In either case, men or woman, urine or stools are the only way the professionals can determine the state of your body. Blood tests also indicate what is going on.Health Question & Answer

I would go to that teacher after class one day in private and explain what's going on. Teachers are human and aren't inherently mean, just sometimes jaded from students using this as a game. Your teacher will most likely from then on understand. You should go see a doctor though. It's never good to hold yourself too long and if there is a change you may want to get checked out. Not all infections have all the symptoms and it doesn't hurt to get checked out. It can hurt to not get checked out and end up with your problem getting worse. Health Question & Answer

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