Whats the symptoms of being dehydrated?!

Question: Whats the symptoms of being dehydrated.?
i just ran in a cross country meet today and i feel crazy sick i want to know if im coming down with something or am i just dehydrated.
i have the chills my stomach hurts like hell and i have a fever. Do you think im dehydrated.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

Symptoms of dehydration usually begin with thirst and progress to more alarming manifestations as the need for water becomes more dire. The initial signs and symptoms of mild dehydration in adults appear when the body has lost about 2% of it's total fluid.
These mild dehydration symptoms are often :

Loss of Appetite
Dry Skin
Skin Flushing
Dark Colored Urine
Dry Mouth
Fatique or Weakness
Head Rushes
If the dehydration is allowed to continue unabated, when the total fluid loss reaches 5% the following effects of dehydration are normally experienced:

Increased heart rate
Increased respiration
Decreased sweating
Decreased urination
Increased body temperature
Extreme fatigue
Muscle cramps
Tingling of the limbs

Symptoms of severe dehydration include:
Muscle spasms
Racing pulse
Shriveled skin
Dim vision
Painful urination
Difficulty breathing
Chest and Abdominal pain
Symptoms of dehydration will differ from person to person because the body is a complex network of systems and everyone's body is different. When these systems are disturbed due to loss of fluids there will be several common symptoms shared by most bodies, but there may also be unusual or unexpected responses depending on the particular person in question. Age also plays a part in the manifestation of symptoms.Health Question & Answer

Symptoms may include headaches similar to what is experienced during a hangover, muscle cramps, a sudden episode of visual snow, decreased blood pressure (hypotension), and dizziness or fainting when standing up due to orthostatic hypotension. Untreated dehydration generally results in delirium, unconsciousness, swelling of the tongue[1] and in extreme cases death.Health Question & Answer

depending on where you live... my area there's a change in season

running long distances sometimes cause stomach cramps (its normal) and due to the change in season and you being tired... your body immune system fell short, and was not able to fight off the germs causing you got sick...

dehydration is extremely easy to take care of because you just have to drink a lot of water and you're hydrated again.. almost in about 5 minutesHealth Question & Answer

Drink Pedialyte to replace your electrolyes. Chills, fever, and stomach pain is a serious combination - see your doctor if you're not better SOON.Health Question & Answer

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