Why am I sleeping so long?!

Question: Why am I sleeping so long.?
I just started working a night shift which is 12am to 630am. I try to go right to bed when I get home around 7am. However, I don't get up until about 6pm. Is there some kind of medical condition that I may have.?Health Question & Answer

There could be some type of medical situation that you have. However, from experience and considering both my parents are doctors and I hear many medical related topics often I can say that you are sleeping for extended periods of time because this is a new thing for you! Every human has something called Circadian Rhythm. You CR was used to sleeping in the night and being active the rest of the day. However, now, your CR is trying to adjust to something tough: Sleeping the morning and working at night. Eventually everything will turn out alright!Health Question & Answer

NO!! I the summer i slepd for 12 hours each day!!! if you have an earegualr sleep pattern it will make u sleep longer because once i started school again, i was sleeping about 8 hours. So your body needs to get use to your new night shiftHealth Question & Answer

Not really it's ok to be awake for such a long tiem and then fall asleep.Health Question & Answer

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