Do you think I should quit smoking pot?!

Question: Do you think I should quit smoking pot.?
I don't have a job at the moment, but I have some money saved up and I use it to buy pot. Do you think it is irresponsible of me to be smoking pot when I should be focusing my energy on finding a job. I think so too but, I really like getting high because it helps me gather my thoughts and think more thoroughly, not to mention appreciate music more.Health Question & Answer

man, you cant find a job at night anyway. smoke up and when morning comes. wipe the cheetos from the corners of your mouth, suit up and go job hunting.Health Question & Answer

Yes i believe you should quit smoking pot, avoid drugs like the plague they will only cloud your mind and cause mental or physical health issues in the long run. A job will provide you with more money and your mind will be more focused on this kind of like a distraction, go and see a counsellor or book in with a qualified Complementary Therapist/Holistic Health Practitioner such as a Naturopath, Nutritionist, herbalist or a Masseur who could help you to overcome your addiction naturally and boost your immune system, help with your mental health and become healthier in the long run. There are 8 natural remedies you should follow.

1. Think positive or Trust in God
2.Pure fresh air
3.Proper Hydration- plenty of water
4. Healthy Balanced diet- Proper diet and eating- supplements, herbal remedies etc.
5.Light and Sunshine
6.Moderate Exercise
7.Plenty of sleep, rest and relaxation
8. Moderation in ALL things and avoidance of bad lifestyle habits such as smoking, excessive drinking and DRUGS.

Hope this helps you and you can learn to follow a healthy lifestyle which in turn will help you find a job, will be difficult to find a job if you take drugs and end up ill. Prevention is better than cure as they say.

Robert Dixon (MICHT)
Complementary Therapist

Wellness Creator
"Therapies for Mind, Body and Soul" Health Question & Answer

I have been smoking pot for 9 years solid and i mean solid. I quit about 6 months ago and I have never felt better in my life. Even aside from the financial motivation you should, you won't regret it.
Its hard at 1st because as you say it helps you gather your thoughts, but that's only because you're so used to it. Once you quit and become used to not smoking your thoughts will always be clear.Health Question & Answer

Lol, is this a serious question.?

"Do you think it is irresponsible of me to be smoking pot when I should be focusing my energy on finding a job"

Really.? At least take a break from it until you can get back on your feet. I won't get all preachy on you, because that is just annoying.Health Question & Answer

Yes you should quit it and get a job
Yes it is irresponsible.
For a pot smoker, you don't sound too stupid.. yet.
You actually can appreciate music and all aspects of life without resorting to drugs.
When your head clears you'll realise that the human brain is a really wonderful thing and is actually capable of improving if you let it.Health Question & Answer

It depends on how much of a bogan you intend becoming. Honestly, as long as you aren't on the dole and bludging off tax payers funds I couldn't give a crap. However, if you rate smoking pot higher on your list of priorities than getting a job and earning an honest living, a word of advice - grow up.Health Question & Answer

Get a job...pot is OK if your job isn't one that requires you to operate heavy machinery, but getting into the habit of smoking while unemployed is a good way to end up a loser.

Who grows up thinking 'I want to be a broke, unemployed pot head.?'.Health Question & Answer

Definitely you should quit pot. If you get broke how can you survive.?
Better stop now or you will regret later. Think what you should do for a living. Health Question & Answer

Yup. Quit now n get a job.Health Question & Answer

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