If 1g Vitamin C pills give you around 1066% of your daily requirements, why do they put so much into it?!

Question: If 1g Vitamin C pills give you around 1066% of your daily requirements, why do they put so much into it.?
As i understand, the excess is lost, so why don't they make a pill of i don't know....100 mg which will rougly cover the 100% of the daily need.?

Same with so many other pillsHealth Question & Answer

Couple reasons. In general they put in a little more than you need because your digestive system isn't 100% efficient; some is always lost and passed with waste. also, the daily values are based on a non-existent average person. It's a good estimation, but your specific needs vary slightly based on gender and weight. A little extra doesn't hurt, and in some cases has been shown to be beneficial.

Mostly though, people are suckers and generally don't completely understand the concept. They just want more, because more must be better. Vitamin C is probably the most popular example. Some people believe taking extreme amounts does everything from cure illness to make you live longer. This has never been proved by scientific study and goes against intuition (water soluble vitamins and all), though there has been some anecdotal evidence for it. Health Question & Answer

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