A personal question? F0R GIRLS 0NLY!?!

Question: A personal question.? F0R GIRLS 0NLY!.?
okay its seems like that all my friends are losing their virginity and i want to loose mines so they can stop calling me a virgin but then i dint want to do it cause i just don't want to give it up to any body cause once your virginity is gone its gone so what should i do just wait till its my turn or just do and it get over with so they gone stop teasing me.?Another question will the first time hurt.?Health Question & Answer

I can tell you from personal experience, doing it to get it over with or because others are telling you to is a huge mistake. I did the same thing when I was younger and regret it to this day.

You should wait for someone that is going to respect you and your body as well as not forget about you soon afterwards. Losing your virginity is a big thing and although I have re-committed myself to waiting until I'm married, I know that is a personal decision.

Wait for the right guy though and someone that will stick around. also, these girls that are teasing and pressuring you may be doing so because they feel guilty/insecure about their own mistake. They may be acting tough and cool to "fit in" but truly regret it and these insecurities are why the teasing is going on. I believe most people that tease are insecure. Plus, if these are your friends - try to reach out to some new ones that will respect and accept you for who you are and the personal decisions you make.

Hope this was helpful! Never rush an important decision like this one - you will be living with this decision for years to come!Health Question & Answer

Your first time probably will hurt, it does for most girls, but it won't be THAT bad.

I think you should wait until it's your turn. Sex is great, but when you're a virgin you shouldn't just jump in to having sex, because like you said, once it's gone it's GONE. Some girls feel ashamed of being a virgin but honestly it's a good thing to be a virgin. Guys do like virgins, there's nothing special about a girl who's had sex with a whole bunch of guys (not that there's anything wrong with it, but I'm just trying to make a point here...), but there's something special about a girl who's been able to wait.

I lost my virginity when I was 16, I lasted longer than a lot of girls at my school, but now I realize that I should have waited and that I wasn't with the right guy. I don't regret it, but it's something that I look back on and realize that I wasn't making the right choice, but everything is a learning process.

If you want to have sex, do it. You don't necessarily have to wait until you're "in love", just wait for the right moment. Wait until YOU are ready to give that up, because it's probably something you'll remember for the rest of your life. Health Question & Answer

Not to sound like your mother, but please wait! Sex isn't what you probably have in mind.. its only great with the right person. Some of your 'friends' probably haven't even lost their virginity, they are just saying that.. or they have and they only want you to do it, so that don't feel so bad about doing it themselves. These girls are not your friends, I don't know how old you are, but there is no age you should lose your virginity, its when it feels right for you and the one you love.You don't want to get a bad reputation, and you don't want guys liking you because your easy..

All of my friends started talking about losing their virginity at one time junior year, and so a friend of our went out and had sex with this random fella.. then during some girl talk she started telling us all about it to seem cool.. but we all just looked at her like.. that was sluty.. none of us had actually lost it, we were just talking about it.. and now she's known for it.Health Question & Answer

Dont let anyone pressure you. Losing your virginity is a desicion that ONLY YOU should make. If your friends are pressuring you, then they arent your real friends. Find a new group of friends that will like you for you and not make fun of you for being a virgin. If losing your virginity is something that you really want to do, then that's YOUR desicion and no one elses. I think it would be a better desicion to just wait until youre older, but thats just my opinion.Health Question & Answer

Tell your friends just because they wanna give it up doesn't mean you should. It sounds like you have morals and as you get older you will realize a lot of guys respect that. Virginity is a special things and once its gone, its gone. So, if i were you i would be proud to be a virgin and when its right for you, you will know. Tell your so called friends how much it bothers you, and mean it. I they are real friends then they will get the hint and back off. Health Question & Answer

Don't do it! When you do have sex, it should be for yourself and your own reasons and no body else's.

Your friends need to grow up. Losing your virginity at a young age is nothing to be proud of.
Tell them you don't have to be a slut to be sexy, and continue about your own beautiful business. Health Question & Answer

Keep the first time special! Because as you say you only get one crack at loosing your virginity. There's nothing wrong with being different and standing up for what you think is right for you. The most unique people I knew in school grew up to be some of the happiest and most successful. You have your whole life to meet guys and have sex - enjoy being young and innocent while you still can, you don't want to grow up too fast because being an adult isnt all its cracked up to be :-) Good luck babe.Health Question & Answer

i'll be real with you. keep your virginity, it's actually pretty cool. Wait til that day your friends are like MAN ! i wish i didn't lose it to blah blah blah you know.? Let them keep teasing you but they'll see who's the right person in the end. Virginity only happens once, you want to enjoy losing it to the one. Don't lose it to some person that you don't even want to lose it to but you're doing it to get rid of it. make the right decision baby girl.Health Question & Answer

O im really a girl i know male avatar haven't changed it Well this has happend alot of times and no u should not lose it now just b/c someone pushes u into it.U should really wait your time esp if your under age yull know when u should just dont rush it.And if i guy wants u too and if u dont dont its your choice not his or your friends.U have alot of risks now to worrie about what might happen just think before u try.O and yes it dose intill u lose your cherry is what they call it But i really dont know how long sorry. Hope i helpedHealth Question & Answer

ok :D

i no im a guy

so i guess it wouldbt hurt to have my opinion her to

sex is somethig most boys want when drunk ,stoned even sobre and they dont care who they lose it with or do it with tbh

but for the ones tha do care lyk myself

its not a matter of wanting to lose it or being pressured

u do what you think is right

if you think ur readi go for it (make sure u are tho)

and if ur not then wait

i don t lyk the fact that poeple commenting this Q. are sayin that there not reali friends , that their doin it to make them selves feel beter or anything

thats what friends do :)

its true friends will slag you about it

all you have to do is slag them back

e.g. atlease im not sleeping with every 1 :P

or something lyk that

get ur own back on then

virginity is a big thing for girls and boys should respect that

Health Question & Answer

look why do you have to be like your freinds.? you dont have to follow them. i had the same problem when people called me nervous because i wouldnt give sum guy a hand job. i told them im nervous and im not doing it cuz i dont want to.so they stopped asking. dont give in to pressure because you might regret it.rite now you should just wait till ur ready & old enough. hope i helped =]

btw how old are u.?Health Question & Answer

Yes it will hurt...Dont do it...k.? because when you get married...your husband will be soooo happy your a virgin...Health Question & Answer

You are stronger than that girl. Who cares what they are saying.?

YES, it's going to hurt the first time. Young women are not made for sex. That's why women are getting cancer younger and younger, because their cervix are not fully developed yet and sex makes it hard on them. It's like a baby who is left sitting out in the sun, they burn easily but if you put a 25 year old woman in the sun she's going to take a lot longer to burn because her skin is ready for it and she's been exposed more. It's weathered.
But when you have a young girl under the age of even 23 you are setting yourself up for cancer because a young girls cervix are not able to kill the bacteria that's being put in there, and that's why cancer is becoming such and issue. Like before, we didn't have gardisil vaccines, now we do and that's because it's becoming more of an issue with younger and younger girls having sex. An older womans cervix can handle it because they are fully developed and their cervix are ready to kill the bacteria that leads to cancer, but a young girls cervix are not ready for that type of thing. Not to mention the psychological harm from having sex at an early age. Please take my advice seriously. Wait to have sex.Health Question & Answer

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