Does anyone know what the nasty white chunks are that come out of your tonsils?!

Question: Does anyone know what the nasty white chunks are that come out of your tonsils.?
This is really gross....but I go through spells where I get semi-hard white chunky things that are in my tonsils. They scratch the back of my tongue when I talk and make my breath smell horrible. If one comes out and I accidently bite into it before spitting it out I gag because it tastes so horrible. (it is not strep throat) Does anyone know what these things are, what causes them, and what I can do to get rid of or prevent them.?Health Question & Answer

Yes. Those are called tonsilloliths. Harmless, but they smell horrid. Question & Answer

here hun.
Particles that are most commonly reported by patients are originated in tonsils. As we age, the tonsils develop cervices or so called crypts. These crypts often collect saliva and food particles that then form the particles you described as chunks. They are formally known as tonsilliths, and they do not represent any serious disorder. Though, those white chunks on tonsils can be nuisance. I guess those white chunks on tonsils causes bad breath to you, so you want to know why is this happening to you. Those are just material made by bacteria we normally own in throat. There is nothing to be worry about, because for sure that is not some serious illness. If that is painful, you should visit the doctor to get antibiotic, but those are just nuisance. Some people find explanation that is food that eventually came back, which also can be. Question & Answer

i used to get that the whole time although my breath didn't smell.the white things were horrible though. it might sound weird but i used to drink a lot of milky hot chocolate and during the months i did i got these. don't drink milk much now and haven't had that many. and i just used to gargle mouthwash constantly when i had them in my throat and it loosened them and probably helped with my breath. good luckHealth Question & Answer

I had the exact thing!! Miss Bernice put it PERFECTLY! I ended up getting my tonsils out when I was 21 maybe you need to too. I would buy a douche/enema bag at the drug store, a reusable rubber one and put a salt water mix and irrigate wit it it's better than gargling as you can direct the flowHealth Question & Answer

Not phlegm. I know what you're talking about. These are "tonsil stones". They are a combo of dead white blood cells, oral bacteria, and over active salivary glands. They're uncomfortable but not harmful.
Health Question & Answer

Sorry I wont be much help with the actual question, but I do want to suggest that you get your tonsils removed! That way you wont ever have to deal with this or any other issue that arises with them.Health Question & Answer

Definitely some type of infection - perhaps not strep, but possibly tonsillitis.

Thrush is another possibility...Health Question & Answer

flem.?Health Question & Answer

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