I have ADD and I need some help or advise on how to regulate myself.?!

Question: I have ADD and I need some help or advise on how to regulate myself..?
I'm 21 y-old and I have ADD. I was diagnosed with ADD/HD when I was 6 and ever since then have taken meds for it. I took myself off the meds when I was 16 or 17 just b/c I didn't feel I needed them anymore. Now I am starting to feel the same way I did when I was a kid again and I really don't like it. Its a constant fight in my head to get things done but at the end of the day the list of 10 things I needed to do is only half way done. Is there anyone out there that can help me.? Is there a book I could get that could help to teach me how to regulate my life without the use of pills.? Someone PLEASE HELP this is frustrating.Health Question & Answer

My wife is a school teacher. She has been dealing with kids having ADD/HD for her whole career. And because we all live in same little town, we've had nearly 20 years to hear about the kids she taught and how things turned out with them after the 4th grade. A few seem to have grown out of their problems as other parts of their brains reached higher levels of maturity. However, this does not seem to be happening with you. I can honestly say that I have seen no other form of control over this disorder that succeeded for any length of time except the meds. I do not have an agenda, in fact we never had any kids of our own, I am just an observer. All I could do was pray that parents and their kids would see the light eventually. Some did, some didn't. Some of the ones that didn't have really gone astray. Please PLEASE do not accept the comments of John W above. ADD is a real, and recognized, medical disorder...admitting you have it today is no worse that admitting to depression or a panic disorder or anything similar. Be proud that you are strong enough to seek treatment rather than live in denial. Health Question & Answer

Hi, Edith, Please go see your current doctor. It sounds like you need to be put on some meds. Maybe something different since you're an adult now. Or maybe a different dose. I believe that the meds will make you feel better overall.
Bless you and good luck! :)Health Question & Answer

http://www.add.org/Health Question & Answer

Stop taking drugs for "ADD". It's not a disease. All it is, is a lack of self control and self discipline. There are many ways to develop those. One way I can think of off the top of my head is to join a karate or other martial arts class or do yoga or something like that in which you have a coach or master to teach you how to focus. It's all in your mind. You can train your mind to focus better without any drugs.Health Question & Answer

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