Could this be stress? Urgent.?!

Question: Could this be stress.? Urgent..?
I'm now currently 18 years old and have been struggling with nervousness/anxiousness ever since I was 10 years old. I've always been naturally shy and super skinny. I'm 5'10 and 108 pounds, 18 years of age. Could the anxiousness/nervousness have contributed to the way I am now.?

I often feel worthless, depressed, scared, anxious, nervous, and sweaty while talking to strangers or going in public, to parties, etc. I also suffer from severe stomach pain whenever I have to make contact or think about going into public humiliating myself. I go to the bathroom frequently when faced with having to do something i'm uncomfortable with, such as doing something i've never done, even like driving a car. I've been tested for eating disorders and intestinal diseases, tape worms, you name it they've tested me for it. All came up negative. That got me thinking that this could be a mental thing, anxiety or depression. I don't know how I could have developed this at such an early age, seeing as im only 18 years old now. I'm wondering what you would do in this situation, or if you have faced these problems what did you do to solve it.? What would you do.? Feel free to contact me personally I feel as if I really need mental help.Health Question & Answer

Based on my own experience with anxiety and depression, it seems very clear that you need to get professional mental health help. See a psychiatrist. He/she will provide you with a diagnosis and medication if needed. After that, you can see a therapist to deal with your feelings. Your young age has nothing to do with it. Doctors are now seeing that these problems can affect us from very early on. If your regular doctor won't refer you to a psychiatrist, then go see another doctor. Don't feel ashamed about being honest and getting the help you need. Mental health is probably the most important health we can have, because many of our physical problems are manifestations of our mental conditions.

I've suffered from depression since I was 8 years old. I didn't get help until I was in my 20s. I've been on anti-depressants for years, and I think they've probably saved my life. You're lucky that there are lots more options available now in the treatment of mental issues than back when I was 18.

You've taken a good first step by asking for help on Y!A, now you need a professional opinion. Take care of yourself and good luck.Health Question & Answer

Shame on your doctors for not recognizing your anxiety disorder. You need to seek counseling. You, like many other people are suffering from social anxiety, nothing to be ashamed of and very treatable. Do not miss out on life. Get the counseling and possibly ant-anxiety meds. along with counseling, not without. Good for you for recognizing what the problem is and for reaching out ! Good luck and God Bless !Health Question & Answer

as far as the stress goes i recommend find a good friend who is willing to go with you when you have to do some thing new then try it again with out the friend talk your self up say i can do this this is easy this is not a big deal i am a strong person i'm smart and i can do any thing my next idea would be try a high calorie diet high carbs and what not try doing research online if all you can find is low carb diets reverse what it says if it says steer clear of pasta and bread have a mac and cheese sandwich take a look at what you eat on a daily basis and make sure its enough not just filling like ramen noodles or tomato soup but check the calories and carbs and compare them to other things in your cupboards compare chicken noodle soup to bread try to eat more food with higher percentages i consider you to be a lucky person eat what ever you want and never gain an ounce me however if i smell cookies i gain ten pounds lol you may also consider weight lifting to build muscle mass maybe even try protein shakes Health Question & Answer

I have suffered from anxiety problems since I was in elementary school. Having to enter a social situation without a close friend or family member was like torture. I felt like everyone was starring at me and judging me. I hated being around people that I didn't know. It made my heart race, I started to sweat, and like you, it made my bladder overactive. I also had nervous habits, such as pulling out hair and eyelashes and picking my scalp until it bled. Now I am 34 years old and still have mild anxiety, but it has gotten better with age. I suggest talking to a professional if that is an option, and you would also benefit from researching social anxiety (that will offer you ways to cope with it). It is very common, and you are not alone. Good luck! Health Question & Answer

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