Do I have bipolar disorder?!

Question: Do I have bipolar disorder.?
I'm 13 years old and I feel like I have Bipolar Disorder.
I am sometimes feeling depressed and worthless, and then the next day I am feeling great. I also have trouble sleeping sometimes and my weight goes up and down a lot.
I have looked at symtoms to be bipolar and i fit all of them, if not most of them.

What's the next step.? Do I forget about it because it's not such a huge problem in my life.? Or do I tell my parents about it.? I'm afraid they'll think I'm just joking. I can't really ask my doctor without my parents, sooo that doesn't help. If any of you could help me out that would be great. Thanks<3
Health Question & Answer

I have a friend who was diagnosed with Bipolar..ism.? I don't know what you would call it. Anyways he pretty much felt the same way you described. If you get to the point where you wont even get up and go to school because you feel so worthless and helpless, and then the next day your out of control psycho happy, then I would say it sounds like Bipolar. You could just be experiencing puberty.? I mean 13 is around the age where you start thinking a lot more about how others percieve you and what your worth. If this problem is bothering you to the point of missing out on things in your life, you should talk to a doctor/parents or both. Don't let things get out of hand, find the problem and solve it. Health Question & Answer

just stop freaking complaining alright you stupid freaking babyHealth Question & Answer

You should definitely see your pediatrician. it could be as simple as changing what you eat. Bipolar though usually shows up when a person hits their 20's, u could be experiencing pmdd. a more severe form of pms. and there is a birth control out to help with that and it would also help regulate your periods. keep a journal for a month about how your feeling at the end of the month sit ur folks down and tell them what you've discovered about yourself. (in your journal you should also write down your food and drink intake, you may find out why you're not sleeping at night.)Health Question & Answer

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