Why do I get headaches all the time?!

Question: Why do I get headaches all the time.?
I'm a very healthy young male. I'm 17 years of age. I run a couple of miles each day, and eat as healthy as I can regularly. But for the pass couple of years I have been getting massive amount of headaches. I get some that just make me cry, and I get some that just show up for no reason, me just sitting there doing nothing. I were glasses, and I take vitamins daily. I take Pain pills for the pain, but they seem to "mask" the headache.

Could I have cancer.?
Could I have Symptoms of Brain Aneurysm.?
Please help!!Health Question & Answer

You need to talk to your health care provider about this, not just continue to suffer.

At your age, one possibility is that these are hormone-related. Do you still get a lot of outbreaks on your skin.? Mood swings.? I would suggest you try a supplement of Vitex berry, an herb available at health food stores. It is a hormone balancer for both men and women.

Another likelihood is that your glasses need to be changed. I had this problem when I went to a trifocal. The prescription was right on but my eyes refused to adjust to it. I switched to my old glasses for a week and the headaches went away. Switched back and got a headache the 2nd day. So the doc worked with me to adjust my scrip to something in between the old and new.

also try to notice if you have any food triggers, like something you could be allergic to. Some possible culprits are monosodium glutamate (MSG, a flavor enhancer), red dye, chocolate drink mix, artificial flavor, wine (sulphites) and hard cheeses. Try avoiding these for a few days, then deliberately eating one every 3 days to see if you bring on a headache.Health Question & Answer

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