Why is weed so wrong?!

Question: Why is weed so wrong.?
I am not convinced that marijuana is dangerous to my health. I understand how other things are harmful.
Cigarettes can cause cancer.
alcohol can cause liver damage.
Many addictions may lead to a variety of health problems.
But can someone please tell me the long term effects of marijuana. Ive never heard of a person having health problems because of weed.
What permanent damage can smoking pot possibly lead to.? If any.Health Question & Answer

Being so high on it that you have a fatal accident and don't care.A Conrail railroad engineer was smoking Pot sitting on the floor of his engine while moving,he figured know one could see him and turn him in.Until he passed two absolute stop signals and hit the middle of an Amtrak train crossing in front of him.He killed 50-100 people because he was irresponsible.Would you fly on a plane with pilot who was high on Pot.?You'd never forget the landing!Marijuana also affects fertility as it restricts the blood supply.Long term effects: Death.Health Question & Answer

Withdrawal increases aggression, anxiety, depression, muscle pain, decreased appetite, stomach pain, and insomnia. Use can cause information processing deficits (especially visual information processing), and may lead to heart disease. It can mask psychiatric issues that should be addressed.

Is it wrong.? I don't know. Is it harmful.? Probably. Is it addictive.? Probably to a lesser degree than other addictions and it does help people with cancer and/or glaucoma.

Is it good.? I don't think so. Health Question & Answer

The long term affects can be, in extreme cases, schizophrenia as it can change the chemical make up of your brain. The other problems are obvoiously the same as smoking cigarettes though I have heard that one joint contains as much tar as 5 cigarettes. also, in the UK at least certain strains of marijuana have been "sandblasted" which basically means they are sprayed with sand which makes it heavier so more profitable to dealers and I know that these strains can cause sore throats etc.
However, we see these big headlines saying how bad marijuana is but few people take time to read the whole thing which states that these cases are rare and usually only present in people who have smoked over a prolonged period of time every day. I think if you'd just tried it a few times its not gonna do you any harm no matter what people would like us to believe.Health Question & Answer

Yeah! you have any idea how many people feel as you do.?
All that society has as an argument,is the fact that it is illegal.
And that was only determined by a bunch of old farts years ago.

Weed should be like alcohol.
Legal,but regulated,and taxed.

It sucks how you can sit on your front porch,and get drunk out of mind,and nobody complains about it.
But fire one up and your automatically a criminalHealth Question & Answer

I havent heard of the negative physical effects. Ive heard of positive effects (hence medical marijuana.) I think any addiction is horrible...I hate it when people treat weed like crack, it's really not something that people should be so dependant on.Health Question & Answer

in my opinion, marijuana is somewhere in between caffeine and alcohol on the safety scale. you sure aren't going to kill yourself by using it. Health Question & Answer

try this site
but you're right there is no major brain damage from smoking marajuana a lot but im sure smoking too much will not be good for youHealth Question & Answer

Makes you crazy and make you things you don

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