What happens if you eat a cough drop but you are not sick or coughing?!

Question: What happens if you eat a cough drop but you are not sick or coughing.?
I've done that many times with various cough drops.
I just wonder if it's doing anything to me inside my system
or anything. I don't have any side effects, thoughHealth Question & Answer

Most cough drops are just candy. They don't have any medicine in them.

Some cough drops have ingredients like menthol in them to help you breath better. If you are not allergic to this ingredient and you take it in small quantities, there should not be any side effects. Halls have menthol in them.

Some cough drops have herbs in them like echinacea. If you are taking other drugs or herbs, it is possible for them to mix badly and for you to have side effects, sometimes even serious side effects. Ricola cough drops have lots of different herbs in them. Read the package and make sure you aren't allergic to any of the herbs. I don't know if any of the herbs in the original cough drops interact badly with prescription medication, you could ask a pharmacist this. But, Ricola does make some cough drops with echinacea in them. If you are taking any medication, ask your pharmacist if it is safe to take echinacea at the same time.

Some cough drops have antiseptics (antibiotics for outside of your body as opposed to inside) or anesthetics (numbing stuff). As long as you are not allergic, these ingredients should not cause side effects as long as you aren't finishing off a package of them a day. Chloraseptic cough drops have an antiseptic in them. Strepsils have an antiseptic and menthol. C

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