My daughter was seen in the emergency room and found out.........?!

Question: My daughter was seen in the emergency room and found out..........?
she is dehydrated and her potassium is low. Her heart rate was in the 40's and she has a history of anorexia. Please, give me all the info you know about this and how to help her. Her chest was hurting also.Health Question & Answer

Her pulse is probably so low because of the fact that she has not been eating sufficient food and her body has gone into survival mode just to keep itself going as this is what happens when people cut back drastically - the body goes into go slow mode to keep alive
She sounds as though she could need rehydrating and the fastest way for them to do that would be to put her on a drip with added nutrients pumped into her
If you can persuade her to eat she needs foods which are easy to digest and which are nutrient dense such as shakes with lots of goodies in them such as whole milk, some icecream, malt, ripe banana, egg and things like that. If she can stomach them she could also try some chocolate bars with lots of goodies in them such as peanuts, caramel and chocolate - to give her body some instant energy
These should be a starting thing for her to get her intersted in food again but she also needs plenty of good natural and simple to digest foods to help her internal organs to heal and also plenty of fresh fruit and veges, grainy breads etc ( website to help you included below)
Perhaps this comparison of a car needing petrol or gas for it to go places and then talking about how the body also needs fuel to make it go places as well may help
It also sounds as tho she may need counselling as well or other treatments to help her come to grips with whatever issues are a problem for her and improve her self esteem
Here is a website with much information on it that may be useful
Keep your chin up and try to be positive for her and your grandies - they are going to need much in the way of support
The website talks about doing family conselling - perhaps this would be a good idea to help you all deal with it so that you can be there for her and cope for yourself
Good luck and keep healthy and may your daughter come to realise that you love her and are very concerned for her Health Question & Answer

That site mentioned will give you some information on anorexia. The only thing i didn't see mentioned was the low potassium count. That could be a vitamin deficiency from not eating properly. Moral support is mostly what you can give her. She needs to be the one wanting to get help if she is still anorexic. Good luck to both of youHealth Question & Answer

DO NOT HESITATE TO TAKE HER BACK! She needs to have her complete stats taken. BP, Pulse, O2, and maybe they can check for heart papulations ( skips in heart beat.)
Potassium is a mineral that regulates the heart, helps lower our blood pressure and decreases the
risk of a stroke. (Eat bananas, tomatoes, grapes, or coffee)
If she is having chest pain, tingly arms, pins and needles, leg cramps, or muscles are twitching in her legs or arm see a doctor ASAP.
Try to get her to drink anything with electrolytes.
Health Question & Answer

ok, take it her to a mental health doctor and a nutritionist, that is all the help you can give her.Health Question & Answer

I really don't know how to help much but just keep her hydrated and if her potassium stays low bananas help. I would definitely follow answer 1's advice as well.
I hope she gets better soon. Health Question & Answer

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