Why do they call it a broken heart?!

Question: Why do they call it a broken heart.?
when technically all your love and emotion and emotional pain is all in your head.? shouldnt your brain be the symbol for all that.? and not your heart.?

how did that even start anyways.? it makes no sense. you feel love in your brain. your heart pumps blood... it doesnt give you emotional "heartache"Health Question & Answer

That's an excellent question :-).

Remember : The heart and the brain act on each other.

1. Shouldn't you brain be the symbol all your love emotions .?
Philosophers and psychologist have associated the brain to logical thinking. It is true that you also feel emotions through your brain, but all emotions are different. As a result different type of emotions may have different types of symbols or no symbol at all.

2. Why the heart has become the symbol of love and emotions.?
If u are 'brain dead' and you heart still pumps, you are still alive.
Without your heart pumping , your brain will not function.
The heart and the brain are 2 pieces that have an effect on each other.
The brain has a lot of control as to how fast or slow the heart pumps.
When you are scared, your heart starts pumping faster.
When someone pisses you off, you heart starts pumping faster.
When you are chocked, most people tend to put their hand on their heart, because they feel a 'choc' or 'jolt' to their heart.

So the brain 'fabricates the emotions' by releasing 'substances' in the blood which can determine how the heart will pump and how the rest of the body should feel.

3.How did that even start anyways .?
No one really knows why love as been associated to the heart.
'HeartBreak' is a metaphor ( a comparison). Just like when you say something is a pain in the *** ( your *** is not hurting but you need people to PICTURE the idea of your pain).
When a couple gets together people represents it as 2 hearts that beat together as one. So it's like an imaginary heart formed by the 2 other hearts. Well, when the couple end tehir relationship, that 'imaginary heart' stops existing. The imaginary hearts breaks back into 2 hearts.

Historian says that 2000 years ago in a place called Cyrene(Greek colony located in Lybia), people use to use a seed called Silphium ( which was heartshaped) to cure indigestion, aches pain and even use it for birth control !!!!(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silphium)
As a result, the grreks may have asociated the seeds to sexual relations and love (http://hubpages.com/hub/Loveandheartsymb...

also, the Catholic Church claimed that St. Margaret
Marie Alacoque had a vision in the 17th century where she saw a
heart shape surrounded by a crown of thorns symbolizing the love of Jesus.

Finally, the egyptians. i found this in wikipeida:
The most important part of the Egyptian soul was thought to be the Ib (jb), or heart. To Ancient Egyptians, it was the heart and not the brain that was the seat of emotion and thought, including the will and intentions. In Egyptian religion, the heart was the key to the afterlife. It was conceived as proceeding at death to the future world, where it gave evidence for, or against, its possessor. It was thought that the heart was examined by Anubis and the deities during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. If the heart weighed more than the feather of Maat, it was immediately consumed by the demon Ammit. This is evidenced by the many expressions in the Egyptian language which incorporate the word ib, Awt-ib: happiness (literally, wideness of heart), Xak-ib: estranged (literally, truncated of heart). This word was transcribed by Wallis Budge as 'Ab'.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ab_(Egyptia...

So no one can confirm the exact start as to when the heat began to associated to love.
However I hope that you understand that evene if you feel love in your brain, people use the metaphor 'heartbreak' to represent Love sickness.
So when that 'imaginary heart' stops existing, it breaks apart and may cause pain to one or more of the people involved in the creation of that 'imaginary heart'

I hope that helped :-)!

Health Question & Answer

it's because human do every thing with comparing to his mind, you know.? I mean rational or not

when someone start a relationship she start with his/her heart because see nothing except the partner, but if the relationship is not true then the mind and head and brain come to the round, you look after a rational reason to break up that relationship, so all of after coming events are in your head and mind, but your partner which didn't want to end this relationship is on her heart and doesn't think about it rational, she/he defer to her/his heart and then her/his heart will break not something in her/his mind comes to.Health Question & Answer

It's just symbolism that's old, pre-modern science, and has stuck with our culture. People used to think thought (and love) was in the heart. Egyptians thought the brain was useless and through it away during mummification. Love also makes your heart pound.

also, heart break makes you kinda physically sick to your stomach, much like heartburn (which, also, isn't in your heart)...Health Question & Answer

Because the heart tells the brain how it feels....whenever you speak. You can tell yourself all you want not to be emotional or whatever but at the end of the day your heart has the final say so, because you can only push it away for soo long.Health Question & Answer

Nope, actually recent studies support the "heart felt emotions" theory. Health Question & Answer

Your heart literally breaks in half when you fall out of love or break up with your significant other.Health Question & Answer

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