What's happening to me, I feel weird?!

Question: What's happening to me, I feel weird.?
I'm 18 years old and I've been a little off lately, I don't feel like doing anything and most of the time I just want to be alone, I cry a lot and I feel worthless all the time, I just stopped seeing joy in everything and constantly feel like everything is against me, I keep thinking about death and suicide again and again, it never stops, sometimes I wonder how being dead must be and most of the times it sounds better than staying alive, I recently started cutting and I know that there's something wrong with me...what's happening.? I'm afraid of what I might do to myself...please help me... Health Question & Answer

You need to speak with a professional and your parents. It sounds like you are obviously depressed, but if you seek help then you should be able to work through this (either through counseling or medication).

Don't worry and feel better.Health Question & Answer

You're 18. Life is about to start. It's scary. That's all. Everybody goes through it. The only thing is to actually go through with it. Not suicide, but life. You've made it this far, Just keep going. You think you need help, go for it. THe main thing is try to figure what is making you you cry, it could be nothing. 18 sucks. It will pass. When you find yourself getting depressed, force yourself to think about something that makes you happy. You are in control of you. Getting outside help is a last resort. You can cure yourself. Keep goingHealth Question & Answer

Please don't let negative things affect you. You should always be in charge of you. You take control of how your feeling. If you feel bad then think of everything that makes you feel good, music, movies,etc. Don't let it control you. You always have the option to change yourself, and your thoughts. Focus and make the change. Email me if you need to talk.Health Question & Answer

You are depressed.
Please visit a counselor or a loved one!
Find a joy in your life, travel, do something!Health Question & Answer

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