Why did cocain became illegal drug?!

Question: Why did cocain became illegal drug.?
I heard that the cocain was used to be a medicine and helped people from sickness (i think) and it was kinda popular. They also had cocaine inside coke. why did it became illegal.? Did people found out that its bad from peple.? cocaine made people excited or like made them go crazy and i heard that my friend said they also sold cocaine for like 15 cents. So my .? is, why did cocane became illegal drug while it helped people in the past.?Health Question & Answer

over time, cocaine has become a more widespread and wide known drug. This drug increases the CNS which will cause people to become excited and thus cause them the do things they don't really know. With this, they can go out of control really easily and do something bad. If this keeps happening, cocaine does not deserve to be used legally nor publicly. Once cocaine was banned, along with any other drug, it became much more expensive and rare to retrieve and hence people now would put almost anything that would look like cocaine into the mixture such as detergent powder and other industrial strength mixtures that would look like cocaine and sell it to people for a high price. This is called fraud and is illegal and also can kill people.
Cocaine is a medicine but it has a lot of harmful ingredients in it. This medicine was a painkiller that was very effective but the side effects were deadly. scientists came up with another drug, equivalent to cacaine, morphine, but doesn't give the addiction to the person which would help the person het off addiction.
i hope that help =]Health Question & Answer

i dont know that answer but im gonna assume that since cocaine is an addictive drug some people became to dependent on it ,
because if cokacola still had cocaine in it imagine how many crazy people would be walking around with a coke bottle in thier hands.Health Question & Answer

"COCAINES A HELLA OF A DRUG" Ricky James R.I.PHealth Question & Answer

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