How am I to deal with possibly having problems with my heart?!

Question: How am I to deal with possibly having problems with my heart.?
I am only 18 years old. Almost a year ago now I starting having problems with passing out. They figured out why, but now they looked back at one of my tests and said there might be something wrong with my heart. They did an ecocardiogram last week and the doctor said he would call me with the results by the end of this week...I'm getting really scared because he hasn't called me. I think there might be something actually wrong with my heart...What am I supposed to do.?Health Question & Answer

Calm down first of all. The doctor will get in touch with you as soon as possible and if it was something extremely wrong Im sure he would have already called. You can make things worse by stressing out. The best thing is to be possitive , try to inform yourself if he diagnoses an illness and do whatever is in your hands to follow his instructions. Remember 3 opinions are way better than only one. Depending on what he says try to go to another doctor. look for emotional support among your friends and family hardships are easier to go thru when we have the ones we love by our side. the coin has always two sides and it depends on you to look at the positiv or the negative side. Just remember that somehow when we look at the negative side things actually look darker and we feel even worse. Hope your heart is ok and I hope you find the strenght to keep it up =).Health Question & Answer

Sorry to hear that you are going through this at such a young age. Be encouraged though most of the time no news from a doctor concerning medical tests is good news. If something was terriably wrong they would contact you quickly. Im 25 and just had a pacemaker put in and know how discouraging heart problems can be for a young person. Eating right, and exercise can help your heart stay strong, but if there is something thats not normal then the doctors will fix it. Cardiologist are so skilled and will take good care of you. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

Whatever the doctors tell you. If they prescribe medicine for you, take it exactly how they say to take it. I hope you don't have something wrong with your heart, but god forbid you do, follow their instructions, don't do anything that will make your heart race, monitor your heart beat, what you eat/drink, etc. Take good care of yourself, my hopes are with you.Health Question & Answer

It's a good sign he hasn't called you yet. That means it's not an emergency.

Whatever you find out, just do what they tell you to do. You'll see that you're a lot stronger than you think. Don't be scared. I really believe it won't be anything life-threatening. You'll see.

Bless you and good luck! :)Health Question & Answer

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