Ear infection in child with ear tubes?!

Question: Ear infection in child with ear tubes.?
I took my 2 yr old in for his well child check on september 17th, the dr discovered a ear infection, it wasnt draining as the tube appeared to be clogged...i hate putting the drops in a childs ears so we went onto amoxicillian...everything was going well the ear started draining a little bit and then stopped...two days later on the 25th he started getting fevers of 104 so on the 26th my husband called in sick as he had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep, and i took the child to the drs....and the ear had stopped draining.....so he was put on omnicef...he continued to spike fevers of over 104 but not quite 105......and after he had only had advil in him for 4.5 hours so we were piggy backing advil and tylenol....on sat the same, sunday the same....monday still fevers and no drainage!!! Well tuesday the fevers are still coming, but not as often....and the ear started gushing again....and gushing hard as it started to bleed, so we got into the peds office....they put him on Ciprodex drops and continue with the Omnicef....well they were working......the ear stopped draining and the fevers broke wednesday...thursday him his sister and older brother all have a cold..and the frickin ear is starting to drain again!!! Has anyone ever had this happen.?.? He has been seeing his own ped for right now, how much long should i wait before i take him to the Ear nose thoat dr that did his tubes....And just to let you know, i didnt take him there in the first place as it is a real pain in the butt to get there.....Health Question & Answer

So because it is "a pain in the butt" to go to the ENT you haven't taken your child.? Is it also to difficult to call the ENT.? Or are you afraid to call the ENT because he will tell you to bring your child in.? also, you didn't want to do drops in the beginning because *you* don't like putting them in.?

Seems like you would rather keep putting your child through the pain and fever and risk permanently damaging his hearing, delaying his speech development (which can happen if your child can't hear well due to the infection/damage) because taking proper care of him is too inconvienent for you. You deserve the mother of the year award.Health Question & Answer

My son had ear infections but nothing like your child. I would not wait at all about taking him to a specialist. The fevers are just out of control and the drainage is not stopping. I would take him as soon as I could get an appointment because his health is too important to mess around with.Health Question & Answer

It might be a pain to go, but I'd be going now. It does not sound like the ped office is making any progress and blood could mean the kids ear drum burst. Not good.Health Question & Answer

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