I don't support blood transfusions, could I be a registered nurse...?!

Question: I don't support blood transfusions, could I be a registered nurse....?
and not give them, or should i go into something else.? If I should go into something else, what else is a good.? it doesn't have to be in the field of health.

I am looking for something that
1. won't get me into a lot of debt,
2. wont take a long time (my school is year round, so an associates degree can be completed in a year)
3. is flexible. its not too specialized and limited, unless its needed i guess. i don't know
4. wont require a lot of schooling. i'm trying to avoid bachelors as much as possible and definitely anything past that..... hopefully, but whatever you can think of will help

thankz for the help in advance!!Health Question & Answer

Anyone whose #1 criteria is not "I want to help people" should not consider being a nurse, never mind anything about blood transfusions. You also don't want "a lot of schooling." I don't want a nurse who hasn't had a lot of schooling.
What you want is something that pays well, you don't have to put much effort into it, and you can work when you want. If you find it, let me know.
Whatever you go into, I wouldn't let on to a potential employer that this is how you feel.
Edit: To those who say she can still be a nurse, did you read the rest of her question.? This does not sound like someone who is cut out to be a nurse--not a good one, anyway.
Edit: Look, honey, I can't read your mind. I could only go by the list you gave, and all you said you wanted was not to go into too much debt and not to take a long time about it. Nursing is pretty specialized, and you can't really be flexible; you have to work the shifts you're assigned. Nursing didn't seem to fit anything you said.
Maybe you do want to help people, and that's wonderful, but nothing you initially wrote gave that impression. Read it again and I think you'd have to agree.Health Question & Answer

Yes I'm quite sure you can. I know several nurses who don't support blood transfusions because of their religion. I think they just explain when they start working that they won't be able to administer blood transfusion. Many hospitals these days are very open to and looking into blood transfusion alternatives. However, you probably can't completely avoid being aroud it.Health Question & Answer

Giving blood transfusions is one very minor part of nursing.
You make very good money with the job and there are lots of specific areas to go where you would not have to do it.
I never supported teenage and single parenting but I worked in a OB and there was exposed to it a lot.
The most important factor for a person to be in nursing is compassion and the ability to accept other's differences.Health Question & Answer

If you want to help people go to www.peacecorps.com there you don't have to have a degree you work long hours for little pay, you travel, you can erase any student loans that you do have out and when you complete the 4 years they give 6,000 dollars to start up a new household in the states.Health Question & Answer

You could but it might make it harder for you to find a job. Maybe you could work for a doctor in private practice and not in a hospital where it wouldn't be likely to happen.Health Question & Answer

be an Accountant. People always need an advisor to look after their money.
or a Nanny WELL off peiople always need someone to look after their children.
or a Personal Assistant to a Star.
Health Question & Answer

Do you support oil changes in your car.? It's time to evolve. Health Question & Answer

You can still be a nurse. Nursing schools understand the that some people have different views on certain aspects, like providing a transfusion. Don't get discouraged over this. They won't force you into doing it. I remember when they wanted me to start and IV, I was a nervous wreck. I told them that I just couldn't do it, it was making me ill. The only got someone else, but I had to observe. If your religion or culture forbids this, them you should obey, But if you're ever in a situation say..a victim from a car accident is bleeding profusely and needs to have blood. what will you do. Just leave him there> Or call another nurse who is busy with other victim.? All that time waisted and you may end up loosing a person. You have to make a choice and that would be one area you need to really think about. I know God will forgive you if you don't want to start a transfusion on a dying person, but will you be able to forgive yourself.? Think twice before you make your decision. There are a lot of different fields you can go into that will not require to be put in that situation. so, if you decide to go to nursing school. once you graduate, stay out of the ER. Wish you the bestHealth Question & Answer

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