I need to know something NOW!!?!

Question: I need to know something NOW!!.?
i am 14 and i smoke ciggarettes and have being for the last couple of months what could it be doing to me.?Health Question & Answer

Tar collecting in and on your lungs, can cause lung cancer,
Teeth stains yellow from chemicals in the cigarette,
Nails stain yellow from chemicals,
The tiny sacs in your lungs known as alveoli begin to didisintegrate causing a permanent disease known as Emphysema,
The saturated fat in your arteries begin to build as your body slowly stops getting rid of it, and your arteries become clogged. This causes chest pains and heart attacks,
Cigarettes contain around 400 toxic substances that you are inhaling,
You become addicted to Nicotine, a harmful drug for the body,
Can cause fertility problems,
Your voice becomes deeper and grainier,
You get wrinkles earlier as smoking reduced oxygen in blood flow to the skin,
You stink,
You are more prone to diseases,
You are passing your smoke onto others.

There are more, but I don't have time to list them.

The younger you are the harder it will be on your body as you're still growing, so stop being stupid and quit. You know it's harmful, there is nothing good about smoking.
Health Question & Answer

Emphysema is caused by the chemicals in tobacco smoke. Lung tissue is destroyed and the lungs develop large holes that blow up like balloons. This makes breathing very difficult and is caused by heavy smoking. It is a disease of the alveoli. If the alveoli have been broken, blown up, or blocked by tar, the surface area is reduced. This makes oxygen exchange more difficult. Emphysema makes people breathe faster and wheeze.

Carcinogens are in tobacco smoke and cause cancer of the lungs, mouth, gullet and bladder. Nine out of ten people who die of lung cancer are heavy smokers.

Bronchitis is mostly a smoker's disease. The passages to the lungs are swollen and sore because the smoke irritates them. Tiny hairs called cilia usually keep these passages clear but these cilia are stopped working by cigarette smoke and the lungs fill with mucus and tar. People try to remove the mucus by coughing. This is smokers cough. Smokers get chronic bronchitis because the cilia aren't working. None smoker's get acute bronchitis. Bronchitis is caused by an infection which makes the body produce more mucus, so non-smokers' cilia can remove the mucus and the bronchitis goes.

Tobacco smoke can cause sore eyes, throat, and can cause headaches. It can irritate babies and make hay-fever and asthma worse.

Heart disease is three times more common amongst smokers. Smoking increases and encourages fat to be deposited on the artery walls and nicotine narrows them. This leads to chest pains and perhaps a heart attack.

everything you need to know
xHealth Question & Answer

well... have you ever heard of something called cancer.?.?.? yea... its a condition that you wouldnt want to have because it usually KILLS people.
And while smoking a few ciggatettes will not give you cancer, any amount of smoke you inhale into your lungs will INCREASE your chances of getting cancer.
You see your lungs were not made to inhale smoke, only fresh air for your to breath... so do yourself a favor and dont put another ciggarette in your mouth. Its really not cool and there is not a single thing that you can benefit from doing that... only bad things. Be smart ;)

Another thing that is just plain nasty is how yellow and rotten your teeth start to get within months of smoking. Its really unattractive and disgusting.

If you want to do something really good that will make you proud go and talk to your friends that do smoke and persuade them to stop... they may think you are annoying them right now even making fun of them but one day they will thank you. Hopefully not when its too late.

Good luck
Think for yourself... Im quite certain you know whether you should be smoking.Health Question & Answer

Well you are that much old to understand he ill effects of smoking. As an advice i would suggest you to quit smoking today. Well the ill effects of smoking are not instant but after a certain period of time you would see its consequences reflecting on your health and your personality. LEAVE IT MAN NOTHING GUD IN ITHealth Question & Answer

STOP!!!!! cigs dont do anything 4u. all they do is give you lung cancer and make you need a hole in your throat so that you can talk through this little hand held box. unless that is what you were looking to do.Health Question & Answer

I smoke, smokings good.
Look it up on the internet.
And don't let ya mum find out, unless you do want something wrong with ya.

xHealth Question & Answer

You will die an ugly death. And proving to the whole world: "I am stupid!"

P.S. Already affected your grammar.Health Question & Answer

give up now while your young basically they are killing you by the time your 30 you will of spend about 20 grand on them.Health Question & Answer

it is just shortening your life so just try to quit before you get really addicted and its harder for you.Health Question & Answer

It killzHealth Question & Answer

lung cancer and brain aneurysm. it is NOT cute. quit it, dude. it's not worth it.Health Question & Answer

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