Human infected with Demodex Canis Mites ?!

Question: Human infected with Demodex Canis Mites .?
I have been infected with some form of mites for years.My brother went to a Doctor that told him it is Scabies.However there are NO burrows,the mite creme does NOT get rid of them.They bite on the scalp,forehead and especially on the upper and middle back and actually the entire body from scalp to the soles of my feet.If I sit at a table at a restaraunt from anyone they begin within seconds swatting at their own face so i think these things can fly.My wife was diagnosed with wrongly Keratosis Pilaris.
I know it is some form of microscopic bug!!!
But it is not a "clinically known problem",there are salt like granules or like eggs or seeds that come out of the bites.Salicylic acid products help some as does baby oil and talc powder ,but does not eradicate them.Permethrin has No effect on them.Anyone have any idea first hand how to get rid of these or what it is.?It is NOT parasychosis as it is carried from state to state with just someone coming into a few minutes conact because they jump or fly like 6 feet onto people.
Please do not provide links to stupid rip off websites of "alternative treatments" garbage.Thanx.Even tea tree oil does not get rid of them.Health Question & Answer

I had a suggestion until I read 'even tea tree oil does not get rid of them'. Tea tree oil is a repellent for many species of insects and parasites. I always thought if used correctly on a daily basis it would get rid of just about anything. Sooo, I know this may sound bizarre, but many morticians have solutions for bug problems because sometimes a body isn't found right away and they have to clean the body and rid it of any parasites that invade it to make it safe for burial. So call your local funeral home and see if they have any suggestions or call a dermatologist.Health Question & Answer

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