Fish oil/Omega 3 causing a lot of anxiety/agitation?!

Question: Fish oil/Omega 3 causing a lot of anxiety/agitation.?
I've been taking OmegaRX Factors fish oil (400 EPA 200 DHA) and the first 8 or so days were fine, but then suddenly I developed this extreme anxiety/agitation where I felt like I was short of breathe/ it was harder to breathe, I felt very uncomfortably aware of my surroundings (like hyper awareness), and I felt unable to sit still. I also felt like my emotions were blunted, and it was like I really had to make an effort to smile or show emotion. I also think I felt more depressed (obviously because of these symptoms).

Anyone have any idea why this happened.? I've stopped and started multiple times and it happens every time. I also developed headaches and my head was pounding slightly. Oh and my heart would pound faster and I would feel more intensely the feelings of anxiety/terror (because of my heightened awareness of my feelings). Health Question & Answer

Ultra-refined fish oil is a lot of hype. The majority of fish oils out there have miniscule levels PCBs, dioxins and mercury, and the higher concentrations of EPA/DHA are not worth the price, You can simply take more of another brand. It also makes it difficult to decrease your dosage when the concentrations are so high.

Something to consider: OmegaRX Factors fish oil capsules contain more than just fish oil. They also contain gelatin, glycerin, natural flavorings, mixed tocopherols, and citric acid. You could be having an allergic reaction to any one of these, especially if you're taking the higher doses that Sears recommends. You could also be allergic to any one of the number of fish used in making the fish oil, and people allergic to soybeans should avoid most fish oils, too. Fish oil capsules should not be taken by those also taking blood thinners, birth control pills, diuretics and beta blockers with a doctor's permission, because they can cause problems. Additionally, fish oil can go rancid, which could literally be making you sick. also, there is such a thing as too much fish oil, which can thin the blood and could have caused your problems.

Moderation is the key, in all things. If you're really sure you want to take fish oil, look into sources that don't have as many additives (Carlson's and Nordic Naturals) and be careful not to take too much. Health Question & Answer

Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.
But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!
Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

Extracted from Source.Health Question & Answer

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