I had bloodwork done to check why my liver enzymes were showing as high...and the results are in. ?!

Question: I had bloodwork done to check why my liver enzymes were showing as high...and the results are in. .?
Everything came back normal (cholesterol, lupus testing, hepatitis, etc.) and my liver enzymes are showing as 242 and the other liver test is showing as 131. I am so scared becaue as of right now, they dont know why this is. I am going on Tuesday to get a Sonogram and I might possibly have tohave a liver biopsy taken if they cant find the results from the sonogram. I am really scared because after doing my internet related research today on other possible liver conditions or disorders, I turned up the search result on liver cancer and saw the survival rates/mortality rates even if a liver transplant is done. The chances are NOT good for those who develop primary liver cancer (cancer that starts in the liver and dosent spread to the liver from another location) and I also have been having pain in my stomach where my liver is located. I am seriously scared and all I can do is pray that this isnt the case; that it is something else. Please, if you have any idea what this could be BESIDES cancer...I would appreciate insight to calm my mind for now. Thank you so much and God Bless.Health Question & Answer

The most common cause of elevated liver enzymes is a fatty liver. is that you in the picture.? You look very young, it would be HIGHLY unlikely for this to be C of the liver. The most common cause of fatty liver is alcohol abuse, do you drink much.? Another cause could be acute infection of viral Hepatitis A or B, but you said that has been ruled out. Has there ever been any instance of any toxic overdose.? The other two causes of a fatty liver are obesity and diabetes, but the latter would have almost certainly been ruled out with blood work you had done. You'll have to wait till you get the results of the scan, don't trawl the internet trying to diagnose yourself, don't put yourself through that emotional turmoil, just relax, wait and see what the sonogram reveals, it is least likely to be cancer.Health Question & Answer

I'm a nurse, and the best thing you can do is relax. People at times have elevated Liver Function Tests (LFT's) with a general internal infection somewhere. It good that they're going to do additional screening, instead of shrugging it off. Good luck with it though. Hope everything comes out ok! Health Question & Answer

i know this is scary for you but try not to stress over it. it could be many things.. like do you drink.? if you have been drinking alot right before your blood test it could throw off the test.
also it could be hepatitis very curable there are many strains of it not all are that bad. Just wait for the results of the blood work and make an appointment with a specialist.
relax it's probably just a small infection.
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