How do you make yourself physically sick?!

Question: How do you make yourself physically sick.?
after every dinner i have, i try to make myself sick but it never works. I make myself gag and cough a lot, and my stomach feels really weird, but yesterday it worked - i was sick. It was actually a relief but i tried again tonight and i couldnt. I keep going to the bathroom trying, so my parents must think i have bladder problems or something lol :)
but is there like a "way" to make yourself sick.? I put my finger down my throat, and the end of my toothbrush but it just makes me gag.

and please dont say "you shouldnt make yourself sick" that wont make me feel better, and it wont stop me trying

looking forward to your answers :)Health Question & Answer

Okay I suffer from bulimia and anorexia. I know what you mean by the relief and everything, but I would seriously suggest NOT doing this. I have suffered from this for 3 years and I am only 14, so since I was 11. I have become seriously depressed and suicidal because of my eating disorders and I really wish I hadn't started because once you do, you live with it forever. I CAN"T STOP. And trust me, when people find out it is the hardest thing to face people, and to go through all the recovery. Eating disorders, I've learned sometimes start when you lose yourself. When you don't know who you are, and you try to make yourself into what you think everybody else wants you to be. I don't know if this is true for you, but try to find yourself if it is. Don't do this to yourself. I'm sure you have enough to deal with in your life, and you don't an eating disorder to add to it. I know this probably won't make you stop, because when I heard people tell me this, as sick as it sounds it encouraged me. But I am not going to tell you what to do,and how to do it. Just whatever you do DO NOT use laxatives. Please, please stop this. This hits so close to home, i would be like begging you if i knew you. If you need to talk, please email me or add me on MSN if you have it take care of yourself. *hugs*Health Question & Answer

You need to consider what and how bad this is for you body. This just about KILLED my friend. She spent many weeks in hospital and wasn't allowed to leave even when she thought she was better. It turns into a mental disorder and could potentially stop you from having children and ruin your internal organs. It has also been proven that throwing up after eating can cause you to gain up to 1/3 of your own body weight. So it definitely isn't the way to go. If you need help regarding your weight I suggest eating healthier or even talking to your doctor about it.

Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

You need mental help...why you wanna make your self sick. Go visit some kids in the hospital that would love to be healthy...the ones that can't eat anything because they have cancer and tubes shoved down their make me sick. Please get some help. OH by the way when you throw up you are actually melting you teeth. The acid from your stomach will make them rot away and turn nasty green and yellow...keep it up and soon your teeth will rot out. Don't believe me take a look at the teeth of some successful bulimics now that's something to look forward too;-)Health Question & Answer

listen i kno u dont wanna hear this but u shoudnt!!! u r hurting ur body!!! DONT MAKE URSELF SICK!!!! u may hav a a disorder or u r getting one!! dont make urself sick! if u want 2 lose weight then there r much better ways 2 do it and making u sick isnt one of them. u should boost ur self esteem up. i kno my friend she wanted 2 lose weight because she thought she was fat. she became bulimic and made herself really sick more then she intended 2. she was skinny as a stick literally and she wouldnt or couldnt eat or anything because she kept throwing up. please dont let that happen 2 u!!Health Question & Answer

You do know that you that this is a eventually fatal.Health Question & Answer

Maybe you should consult a GP about a possible eating disorder.?Health Question & Answer

Why u making yourself sick .? Are u worried about ur weight .?Health Question & Answer


oh go smoke a cancer stick!Health Question & Answer

you are lucky that we all care for your health and safety. all good answers.
1. they are correct when they warn you about this eating disorder you are developing. admit it to yourself.
2. you will lose teeth enamel due to the stomach acid, also develop bad breath and painful acid reflux. chronic constipation is another result
3. by putting toothbrush and finger nails down your throat you will also bruise the lining and develop ulcers, if these get infected, you may damage your voice box
4. everyone wants to lose weight! have smaller meals, one meal should be absolutely salt-free, plenty of salads+fresh fruits since you sound rich enough and can afford it, go for walks/jogging
5. be proud of what you are - you seem caught up by your looks. just be healthy and well groomed. there is no substitution for a well dressed, tidy appearance. be well read and well spoken.
6. one act of random kindness towards complete strangers every day and one act of compassion towrds an animal every day - something as simple as placing a container of water for stray dogs and birds.
7. use this life to make a difference to one other person's life
8. be well informed about the consequences of the choices you make, if you are sensible and intelligent you will research (on google) bulimia and anorexia and also seek medical advice. get the complete picture about what damage YOU are doing to your health.
9. inform your family about what you are doing since you need to be honest and sincere. they will have to provide care when you get bed-ridden, unable to even go to the toilet and bathe by yourself. are you going to let them have a choice in this matter.?
10. you have to prove that you possess great emotional discipline. we constantly face problems in our life but we are still managing. my 65 year old neighbour has recently discovered the joys of internet and playing games on his pc - and this is a man who lost his wife and was abandoned by his only child! i am so inspired by him. i am sure there is someone you know whose life will change by a little effort from you!
11. there is another easy way to feel sick. watch the national news after dinner. see how stray animals are treated on the busy roads. spend time near a garbage dump and watch hungry animals and poor children, some as young as 2 years, fight over rotting food scraps. look into the eyes of the woman begging at traffic lights, wth a child in her arms.
12. if outside india, watch jerry springer!

come on, friend! there is more to life than putting your head where everyone takes a crap!!Health Question & Answer

Sweetie, i know you really don't want to hear this, but it sounds like you have an eating disorder or could be developing one. And you sound like a smart girl. You shouldn't make yourself sick. Its very unhealthy and can cause many health problems in the future. I was in your shoes once. I have tried to make myself sick before too but i realize there are so many other healthy ways to make yourself lose weight if that's the problem and there are better ways to boost your self-esteem. You should really talk to your parents about this problem. Im not trying to rag on you or anything, i just care a lot about your safety and breaking this habit before anything bad happens. Best wishes! xxxHealth Question & Answer

I was bulimic for 4 years, I thought in the beginning that I was just throwing up a little because I over ate or something, no harm done right.? Wrong, I have been recovered for some time now, but still have a ton of health problems caused from throwing up. The acids from my stomach tore up my stomach lining, and ate away the lower part of my esaphagus, I have a bad kidney - causing a ton of problems with both my kidney and gallbladder, and it can cause problems with your fertility... I know you don't want to hear this, but its true and you need to understand the health risks involved before you really get into it. I wish I would've known beforehand but I didn't so I try to make sure others know how serious the consequences are. also, did you know one of the side affects of bulimia (throwing up your food) is actually weight GAIN, you are only throwing up a portion of what you ate, but becuase your body is losing it, when you eat it automatically sucks what it can as fat so what you throw up is actually the nutrients of what your eating.
Eat healthy, watch your portions and exercise. Be HEALTHY.
Good luck to you
<<hugs>> Toni LynneHealth Question & Answer

hi lucy,
I am not going to tell you to stop, because as you said it wont stop you trying, but what i don't understand is why you fell the need to make you're self sick after if you were to ask you're parents this question what do you think they would say.? I know for a fact that you will get stupid morons on this site telling a young girl the best way to make herself sick, but im not one of them. my advice is, value you're self, maybe there is a problem that's making you have low self esteem, you are who you are and nobody can change that, not even stop making you'self ill and concentrate on being who you are and most of all love you and dont give a damn what anyone else thinks. good luck miss.
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