What is wrong with me (cold like symptoms)?!

Question: What is wrong with me (cold like symptoms).?
Okay so I have been sick for a week. Started with a swollen, thick feeling in my throat. Then cam congestion. Then I started feeling better. Then I spent all night coughing (had not been coughing before) and now I am more congested and my throat is so sore. My daughter and hubby were both sick with congestion but are over it......do I have something different.? How can I kick it.?

PS I am pregnant.Health Question & Answer

Rest, rest, rest. Get plenty of fluids. Take regular-strength Tylenol if you develop a low-grade fever - or for aches and pains, if you have them. Try to eat, but don't force it if you don't feel like it.

I was sick for an entire month before Angela was born. As soon as the one cold went away, I got another immediately. Both times, I got the cough first - the runny nose, congestion, sneezing, fever, aches and pains, and loss of my voice came later. Your immune system is compromised during pregnancy. It doesn't sound like you have anything different, your body just isn't as effective at fighting it right now. My husband and mom both had what I had last winter, but neither of them got it as bad as I did. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.Health Question & Answer

Go to doctor, get an antibiotic. Do it now, before this sickness goes down into your chest and you get pneumonia. That's much harder to clear up. also get some zinc lozengers to clear up the sore throat.Health Question & Answer

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